5 min free write Monday promt: wild

in #freewrite5minutes5 years ago

Lady fish are so wild. when you hook one they are jumping out of the water, thrashing their wild heads and if you are lucky they get off before you get them in the boat. If you are not lucky and actually do get it in the boat, be very careful because they go so wild that they can throw the hook and you end up being the one on the hook not the fish. A few weeks ago a friend got hooked but did not want to stop fishing. My husband tried to get it out but he could not do it. There is a way to remove a hook with a piece of string but we use circle hooks and it does not work on them. When he came in he went to the walk in clinic and they had a hard time with it because by staying in his arm for so long his arm was swollen around the hook. They told him not to go back on the river until it had healed. Many years ago I got hooked by a lady fish, it went in the bend of my right arm and back out, like you would put an earring. The wild lady fish was up the line and flopping wildly, I tried to grab it and it jumped out of my hand and twisted the hook and skin in a circle and this time buried in my arm. It was a pretty big hook 5/0 and they was just the eye of the hook and a little bit of the straight part sticking out. I went to the clinic and the Dr sent a nurse to the hardware store to purchase a bolt cutter, he told me that with it being through my tendon not once but twice he was afraid his wire cutters would just roll and do more damage. My time is up.


Wow. Who knew that fishing was so dangerous!! I just had some delicious fish my ex-husband caught but to the best of my knowledge, he never hooked himself. But he is fishing in the ocean - maybe it is different gear and technique.

Welcome to the Freewriters.

@mariannewest Getting hooked can happen with any type of fishing, it happens so fast. When you fish every day you have a bigger chance of it happening to you. I have been fishing for 34 years and got hooked one time. Thank you for the welcome.

I guess that is a good average then. Glad it only happened one time and hope it will stay with one.

Was this your first freewrite, @myjob? I do freewrites every now and then, and find it is a lot of fun! And the freewriters are really great people, very supportive.

@scribblingramma yes it was my first, I hope I did it right, I got more typed than I thought I would with the 5 min time, I am a one finger typist. I plan on doing it again, I read that when posting to steemit, you should do it in one of the contest and not just make post, like the way I have been doing, I read that is the wrong way, so now I am trying to figure out these contests.

I do some of both. It just depends on what I am writing about. I think you did just fine! I usually try to keep to the 5 minutes, but sometimes I feel the need to finish the story or thought and take a bit longer. Some people really stretch it out, but that's ok, too.

@scribblingramma I thought you had to stop at 5 minutes, so you are saying that is not so. It is all new to me and wanted to try and follow the rules.

Ideally, one stops writing at 5 minutes. And I usually do. But I will finish a sentence if I am in the middle of a sentence, and sometimes I finish a thought if I really feel it is important. Sometimes I am relieved when the timer goes off because I have run out of ideas.

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