Freewrite #1 - Airplane

in #freewrite6 years ago

Photo Credit : Kyle Glenn


I don't consider myself to be a frequent traveller. Originally from Tulsa, Oklahoma, I moved to Pasadena in 2012 and haven't looked back too much. I have friends and family that live there, but it's now a place I try to avoid. I only visit there out of obligation and haven't really had much money to travel or see things on my bucket list.

When I do travel, it's primarily by airplane because it's quicker and convenient for me. I've travelled by Greyhound Bus, which I do not recommend. Amtrak is a great experience, if you have no time crunch and want to explore. The downside to Amtrak, for me, is that it seems like time stands still and I tend to not feel productive in those experiences.

I have so many praises and complaints about airplanes, but don't want to be boring, so I'm keeping this freewrite down to why I like airplanes and not much else. The reason I enjoy the airplane experience is because I've managed to "game" the system, so to speak.

Southwest Airlines is my carrier of choice because they have a #zfg (#zerofucksgiven) mentality about things like : assigned seating, baggage fees and whatnot. I originally gave it a go in 2006, by moving here. It was a failed stint, but I learned a lot. During that time of travel, I realized that I could tell the Southwest agent that I had a disability and they would let me board before the "A" group. The question they typically ask is whether I need a wheelchair or not. When I inform them I am able bodied, they tell me to stand behind the wheelchairs and they let me on the plane before it gets nuts.

Why did I start doing this?

a) I was close to 400 pounds, at the time and needed extra time to get the dreaded 2nd seat belt and get setup in my seat.

b) I get a bit nervous/anxious when in a crowd of people and getting all of my proverbial "shit" in order before the crush of people coming onto the plane, puts me in a better mindframe for the flight.

c) I immediately go for a window seat, put my noise cancelling headphones on and proceed to sleep the entire trip.

I don't even take the snack and beverage. For some reason, the hull of the engine with my ear against the window tends to lull me to sleep. I get better sleep on an airplane than I do in my own bed.


Time Elapsed : 5 minutes
Total Word Count : 425

(Disclaimer : This freewrite is also known as a "brain dump". Words are not checked for spelling. Punctuation is loose. This is a writing tool to get the juices flowing.)


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So... Here is something I probably should have never confessed in any forum... I was raised by a man who worked on airplanes for a living, yet I have never been in a fight. My logical mind does not see me entering a flying metal device and leaving safely. So I will have to hear more about this Amtrak experience... LOL. Thanks so much for sharing

I'll be writing an article about my Amtrak experience and a separate one about my Greyhound bus ride from hell. Are you going to the meetup on 4/15?

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