Free write Prompt : Toothache

in #freewrite7 years ago

I was writing my exam when it started, slowly but surely my toothache would not go away. Like a fly buzzing in my ears, the throbbing wouldn’t dissipate. It took all I had to finish my paper and head to the dentist. I had no insurance but I didn’t care. I needed help. I’d worry about the $2000 plus bill later. Health is wealth. That’s the valuable lesson I learned that day. And dental insurance is just as important as medical insurance.


It's all a matter of priorities in life! Nice freewrite and don't discourage yourself.. visit others, create significant interactions, if not friendships and things will develop :-)

Great story, I hope it wasn't really $2000. But I know I'll pay anything when I have a toothache.

No I made it up. Haha

That's cool too. That's why we're here writing.

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I read it! I know how it feels when nobody reads your story!

Thanks. This is really sweet but we love writing so we continue. Have a safe and blessed New Year.😍

Keep at it. At the very least it brings creativity and relief from daily toothaches,... I mean headaches.

Dental costs are crazy expensive. Even the cheap version can be too much money.

I know. I do have insurance but the cst of benefit statement she’s the full cost. It’s ridiculous.

it IS but a pain in the bum to have to deal with!!
so happy you are freewriting!

Welcome to the freewriting group! And yes, once you have a toothache you can't concentrate on anything else until that pain goes away!

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