Screen those calls

in #freewrite6 years ago


Below is my 5 minute #freewrite on today's prompt: screening

If you've never created a #freewrite before, please check out today's post by @mariannewest

I'm probably one of the last people in Texas 🇨🇱 that has a land line, and for sure one of the last people that has a working answering machine.

Millennials, a land line is a telephone connection that doesn't work away from your house. An answering machine is attached to your phone at home, and answers the phone while you're screening your calls. You can not text while you're driving, on a land line.

Screening your calls was all the rage in the 90's, especially if it was a call from work. You would always let the answering machine get those calls.

Now with caller I.D. and cell phones, we just ignore calls from all unknown numbers. Most people don't use their cell phones for calls anyway. Just for sexting...

Story and photo by Bruni

z2u3jv2innyratziv1mo.jpgThanks @fireawaymarmot

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Hey, I have a landline ahahahah! Nephew, is not necessary to use the adoptme tag in your posts. We will check you profile and give you love. Just use the adoptme tag if you are adopting people ;)

Excellent, I wasn't sure. Thank you for all you do helping planktons.

I still have a landline because it comes with the package of home wi-fi
And the kids have to use the public phone to call out at school
So they have no choice
Their kids probably will think it is old fashioned 😊

Thanks for the laugh @wonderwop

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