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RE: Small talk -5minutefreewrite (and more) Chibera Nanowrimo story

in #freewrite6 years ago

I gasped when Sapphire said that her father would burn the forest to the ground. And then I cried when the destruction began. This part was perfection and destroyed me.

The machines came closer. The screams of the forest were deafening. Jani could hear the roots crying out. Jasper could hear the animals shrieking and howling.

I didn't feel bad about what happened to Sapphire but I was devasted at what happened to the forest. OMG! You tore out my heart @improv! That is a huge compliment! This resident cat is you #NovMadFan. OMG!


Let's be clear, though, Sapphire is a product of her father's attitude, and he has not suffered yet.

I thought his daughter's ear being ripped off was his punishment, but if he is in for more than I am all for it.

She's her own person and pays a great price for her behavior. Punishing the child is not justice for the father's cruelty. But I dunno if we'll get justice.

Posted using Partiko Android

Oh man! I want justice!

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