Day 663: 5 Minute Freewrite: Wednesday-Prompt: rat

in #freewrite5 years ago

Day 663: 5 minute Freewrite Challenge initiated by @mariannewest. Wednesday-Prompt: rat

This cute gif is brought to you by @snook

I Smell a Rat

I was pretty perturbed as I walked to the alley because I was sent to get rid of rats and that is definitely not in my job description. Yes, I am a cat but I am a domestic cat with a home. Rats are monstrous and the alley cats won't even go near them.

It was a full moon (man, why did it have to be a full moon?) and as I slowly walked down the dark, trash filled alley, slinking with my belly to the ground, I got a good look at one rat. Where there is one, there will be more. I thought to myself, "Self? I wonder how many more rats are lurking here?" which made me a scaredy cat. What a dreadful sight. That gross, vile, disease carrying rodent was better left alone. No way was I going to try to chase that rat away. In fact, the rat chased me away.

What about a dead cat bounce? Not for me; I might not make it back. And I am not curious. You know what they say about curiosity killing a cat. Now that I think about it, I smell a rat and not the one I was supposed to be chasing away. Is it me they want to get rid of?

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Thanks for the prompt Bruni!

Really great story @whatisnew, the rats chasing the cat, it's awesome.

This post is AWESOME!

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The goal of this project is to "highlight Awesome Content, and growing the Steem ecosystem by rewarding it".

I am so happy that you enjoyed my story. Thanks so much for your support. You are awesome!!! : )

Thank you very much @whatisnew, cats are awesome. 🐈🐱

I like you even more now. LOL!

lol! howdy Butterfly! Hey you got 9 lives, no problem! Unless you already used some of them up! Brilliant writing, I think that cat may need to look for another home unfortunately. How has your weekend been?

Thanks so much for your compliment jonboy! I lost count on how many lives I used up and that is why I said that I was afraid that I might not come back. LOL!
My weekend? I have been really sick for over a week and ended up in urgent care last Friday. The doc said that I have "severe allergies" and was put on Steroids, which I hate. I was at the butterfly park for 2 hours standing around black-eyed Susan's and Goldenrods taking photos, and they did me in. Still not feeling good but better than I was. How was your weekend?

well my weekend was wonderful compared to yours! I don't even know what happened but it was fine. Severe allergies, from flowers? Is this something you've had to deal with before? What does steroids do you, or I should say how do they affect you? They make you feel like lifting weights or something? or kicking someone's butt?

I am so happy to hear that you had a wonderful weekend jonboy! I am sensitive to some flowers but only to the point where I sneeze a couple of times. I do sneeze a lot when grass is being mowed and get all stopped up in my nose. And a neighbor 4 houses down from me has a wood stove and whatever he burns in that during the winter has me and my cat sneezing and coughing. It bothers other neighbors too. Goldenrods are bad for everyone, even if you don't have seasonal allergies and I was around them the weekend when I got sick. They are in bloom now, a month early. I was also around 100's of black-eyed susans that were in full bloom, for 2 hours taking photos. I didn't start sneezing until I got home and then I went downhill from there. So the doc thinks that the combination is what caused my severe allergies. Steroids blow me up like a balloon, make me pee every half hour, give me the shakes and hot flashes. No, I won't kick your butt jonboy. LOL!

oh wow..howdy today Butterfly...that sucks, all because of all the different plants in bloom. So this is an unusual event because of the different factors coming together like they did, I'm so sorry to hear that. How are you now? How long do the steroids affect you?

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