Day 148: 5 Minute Freewrite: Friday-Prompt: potatoes

in #freewrite6 years ago

My awesome badge was made by @fireawaymarmot and personalized by @omra-sky. Thank you!

Day 148: 5 Minute Freewrite Challenge initiated by @mariannewest. Friday-Prompt: potatoes

Phyllis is a potato lover and enjoys every potato morsel, no matter how they are cooked. She won't eat meat unless potatoes are one of the side dishes. One without the other is just wrong and she couldn't do it.

When she was 5 months pregnant with her first child, she had a craving for steak. Her craving went unfilled for 3 days and the night before, she had a dream about steak and couldn't sleep. She was not about to go through another sleepless night, so she asked her husband to broil steaks for dinner that night. Phyllis opened the refrigerator to get potatoes for the microwave. Standing with the refrigerator door open, she just stared into the refrigerator and sobbed uncontrollably. "Man, her hormones are raging," her husband thought to himself. He tried to calm her down and asked why she was crying. Phyllis sobbed and said, "We don't have any potatoes, I thought we had a whole bag, now we can't eat dinner tonight, we are going to starve, and I will never sleep again!"

The kids are grown now and she chuckles every time she sees a potato in the store, remembering the night when potatoes made her cry.

My cute gif is brought to you by @ snook. Thank you!


Poor husband?!?! Who has to carry the baby for 9 months! LOL! : )

I knew you were going to tell me this! 😅

No, I didn't know because I have been out of town. What a wonderful surprise and I couldn't be happier! Thanks so much! Hugs to all! : )

Aww man! That was a crisis, I can imagine skipping dinner over missed potatoes, too! Them raging hormones are no girl's friend!

You've got that right! : )

At least Phyllis had a good excuse. I've cried for the same reason.

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HaHa! Thanks for the laugh and the prompt. Sorry for the late reply. I have been out of town.

I wonder what the husband thought during that time. Cravings unfulfilled can drive you mad indeed.

He was probably how happy he was that he only had 4 more months to go. LOL! Thanks for stopping by! : )

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