Parroting Peter

in #freewrite5 years ago

I present you a new shrink-adventure from the 6th floor. If you like to join the weekendfreewrite please do so. HERE you find the first prompt! I also used yesterdays prompt walrus.

"White pelicans are gregarious. What one does, they all do.",

Peter started our weekly meeting with.

They all knew where he worked his entire life. He told it at least a dozen times during each meeting and he was hated for it.

"You want us to follow you, accept you as our leader?"

Billy stood up, flapped his arms as if they were wings and imitated Peter's mimics. Immediately, the rest of the group stood up and did the same. They gathered around Peter and kept imitating him. Should I interfere or let them teach him a lesson?

Alice just gazed at them.
She clearly was not a white pelican.
What was she thinking of? She felt no need to call a halt to the pelicans. They gave a great performance and showed how easy it is to change into a brainless bully.
Peter smiled. He won the battle again, they did exactly what he intended them to do.

"We really think that Jonny doesn't want to move from Nebraska to Main!"

Alice shouted. They all looked at her. The wallflower had spoken. It was the first time and it made a great impression. Suddenly it became quiet and as one they sat down.

"You don't like white pelicans?" Peter asked.

The smile on his face was gone and he looked at her as if he could tear her up any minute.

"I have no idea. I never met one, or a colony. I also never visited a zoo you know. At this moment I am more concerned about Johnny, I mean, why should he move because the others want to?"

"Aha, the "white-pelican-syndrome," Clair said. "If it comes to it humans are like white pelicans. Afraid to make their own decision, think by themselves. What do you think to shrink?"

She observed me for a while as she continued: "birds of a feather stick together."

"I cannot say he is a bird of a feather, he..."

"Has more in common with a walrus?", Peter interrupted.

Again the group started parroting Peter. I felt ended up in a zoo. These were all educated adults!

Alice stood up and grabbed her handbag.
" Goodbye doctor, you been a great help. I know how to handle situations like these now."

"How about Johnny?"

"It is his life, his decision, he is welcome to stay with me. If he gets screwed up I give him your phone number."

"Get a fine pen free, they are a great tool if it comes to self-defense too."

I gave her a handful. My website was printed on it.
She grinned, put them in her handbag, gave me a big hug and walked out the door.

Last weekend''s crazy story you can read HERE.

The picture is a pic.

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I like your story. Well done. LGG

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