#freewriting - Trust me

in #freewrite5 years ago

Build wild bricks of unity.

"We need this site!" He was foaming at the mouth from screaming so much.

"Any idea what he talks about?" She asked.

"No, I don't. You not asked him about that site? The only bricks I ever heard of are behavior bricks, Lego and Minecraft."

"I tried, but this is all he says and to be honest it drives me crazy."

She looked scared and I could not blame her. Her husband looked like a madman, he paced up and down and repeated the only words he seemed to know.

I stood up and placed myself in his way.

"Hey, fruitcake how about that site you offered to build me, what happened to it?"

For a second he looked me into the eyes and the foam dripped on his shirt.
"The bricks..."

" What bricks, you play Minecraft? You promised me a site, Jim! I don't need bricks, neither do you. Build my site and introduce it on the blockchain."

"Jim, you heard her!" His wife cried.

I felt close to slapping some faces. How can two people make so much noise late at night?

"All right, let put things straight.
No site! Jim, you went crazy and since it happened overnight I expect you caught a computer virus. I solve your problem!"

There it was the monster he called his baby.

"Bye, bye love", I greeted it, slammed it down on the floor and kicked it into pieces. No threat, no addiction.

"There's another thing, too. Just between us, it wouldn't surprise me if she is going to get herself locked up." I heard Jim's wife says. "You better keep silent and act normal before you lose everything including your job."

And so Jim did, he kept silent.
What a relief after hearing his repeatedly build-wild-bricks-of-unity-shit. He was a nerd addicted to his computer and lost his sanity on the internet as he fell over some blocks strangled by chains.
The poor devil sat on the sofa and spoke not one word no matter how hard his wife tried.

"You better enjoy the silence and go to bed. I leave now. You receive my bill in two days. I ask someone else to build my site. Sweet dreams."

"She cured you", I heard her say before I closed the door behind me.

Cleaning up the mess in his office was what she did before she went to bed.

Quickly she threw the pieces of his addiction into a box and carried it out. As she went into the bedroom he sat on the bed.

"There is nothing wrong with me, it is the computer."

"So the shrink is right?"

"Partly, but it is not a virus. They force me to work for them. They need their site to unite."

"Oh, please stop it!"

" You don't believe me? Look in my neck, they even chipped me."

As she examined his neck she noticed a metal object. Carefully she pulled it out and held the broken tip of a knife between her fingers.

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I use partiko

How about giving it a try yourself?
With my lousy, unstable connection it is the only app that still works most of the times.
Simply give it a try. There is nothing to lose

Posted using Partiko Android


Hahaha, I might have what he does too
Good use of the 3 prompts :)

We are growing the @FreeWriteHouse so we can grow together. Do swing by once you are done with today's Prompt


Thanks for the deliverance

Posted using Partiko Android

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