#freewriting - It is all in your...

in #freewrite5 years ago

She glanced around her as the pelicans talked to each other in the car and wondered if maybe she should call her Grandmother and ask her advice...

"Dumb girl", she said to herself, "granny died ages ago and it is impossible that pelicans talk and sit in a car. I think the story of Alice in Wonderland drove me crazy!"

She tried to concentrate on something else.
After all Alice was a stupid blond and kind of nuts. Wonderland just existed in her mind. Alice clearly ate way too much mushrooms. You don't need to be a genius to understand that her weird ideas and visions were caused by eating all these mushrooms. Alice was a junk.
Nevertheless she had to admit the Queen of Hearts was her favorite. She had a great way of playing croquet... now she thought about it... was it possible to play it with pelicans as well?

"Damned pelicans, go away you useless birds", she shouted.
How come she was not able to ignore them? She could simply look the other way or... what if she took her gun and shot them all? They were still talking to each other in the car, her car!

She closed her eyes for a while.
As she opened them again she looked straight into the face of a gigantic pelican. She started screaming and ran into her house. The gun, where was the shotgun?
She knew she had one, just could not remember where she left it.
As she finally found it, she felt so relieved as she pulled the trigger. Peace at last.

This is a pixabay.com pic.
The #turbo-tale above is my entry at the #5-minute-weekendfreewrite. The first sentence in bold is the prompt I used. If you like to write a #weekenfreewrite too have a look at @mariannewest and the @freewritehouse.

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🤭 Uncle Bruni says you're not supposed to shoot the pelicans.

I doubt she shot the pelicans...and if... they were all in her head

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Oh!! You shot the Pelican!!

I doubt she shot the pelican

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@wakeupkitty.... ExasPE(LICAN)ration? But no ELIMINATION... please......

Nothing happened to the pelicans...

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Uhm... The pelican... ☠️

Thank you for freewriting with us! Here's the prompt:- Day 457: 5 Minute Freewrite: Sunday - Prompt: puppy love.

Thanks again! With love and hugs.


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