#freewriting - It is all about the money!

in #freewrite5 years ago

Being rich improves your life in many ways.
You can buy better food, can pay your electricity bill, live in a safer environment, let others work for you and can even choose your own family and friends and... no matter how stupid you are people believe in you. You can even make a great income out of it (the stupidity I mean). All these reality shows are a great example of it.

We love to think rich people are kind-hearted.
It is an illusion they are. You will not get rich nor stay filthy rich if you waste your fortune on bullshit and help out the poor or the pathetic ones. Deeds like such are only interesting if the investment brings some benefit.
In the first place the benefit has to do with taxes (you pay fewer taxes if you give money to the 'club for donkeys on retirement', invest in some culture or anything else that puts you in the center of attention) and another benefit is advertising of the 'good name'.

The filthy rich need to be great businessmen.
Greece could be saved by a few rich families but these families refused. Does this mean these families are not loyal to their country and bad patriots? You might think so or even say they are greedy but the reality is: they are smart enough to see what is really going on. It is a waste of money to invest in a 'sunk ship'.

Nevertheless Greece will be saved no matter what.
The main reason is that it belongs to the EU. Brussel knew, as it joined, it was corrupt and lied about their finances but agreed with its membership and kept, year after year, silence about the real situation.

The sky-high taxes the common and poor people in the EU pay need to save Greece and the rest of the EU that is suffering from a financial crisis that, in my opinion, will never end.

Most important thing is that the EU will continue to exist.
It is not about the happiness of the people but the power of a few and about keeping up appearances.
Gold is not needed to print extra euro just paper and ink are.
The truth is not important as long as the plebs believe there is no (save) life possible without the EU after a Brexit or Nexit or...
(I can assure you there is, we had a way better economy before the EU and Switzerland is doing better as any EU member does.)

Most people did not ask for one, big, happy Europe but the EU is a dream and it has no come true (Napoleon and Hitler had the same dream).
After all these years the EU did not bring any benefit to the common people except for the rich and filthy rich. The ones who do not invest in it because they know it is way too tricky.

This is my daily 5-minute freewrite

with the prompt filthy rich.
You can join too see @mariannewest and @freewritehouse!

The happy picture is made by @richatvns

Less as 500 sp?

Join the Redfish Power UP League!
You can if you leave a comment at @paulag her post and let her know you want in.
See here

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How about giving it a try yourself?
With my lousy, unstable connection it is the only app that still works most of the times.
Simply give it a try. There is nothing to lose

Posted using Partiko Android


You really made me understand the issue of the EU better with this

Am here with the Weekend freewrite prompt.

Take just one, go solo
This prompt is in mono
Stir up in you the pro
Write the 3-in1 prompt.
Have a nice weekend..

Thanks for the deliverance of the prompt.

If it comes to the EU it is hard to understand for most what is going on. In short, it is: all members pay contribution and what once where the richest countries and those who saved the most and prepared for their old day (pension) lost everything by now.
Dutch people will have to work till the age of 72 soon no matter at what age they started working so the Greek and Spanish can retire earlier.
It is what our government tells us but there are things that don't make sense and it will increase the hate to our neighbor countries instead of unifying them.

Posted using Partiko Android

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