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RE: On Depression

in #freewrite6 years ago

I'm glad my own desperation has become of value to you in your own experience of battling malign influence on your own life.

Take heart that your life and work has value to others beyond you, as I did not when I went through my apotheosis. I became convinced my suffering had no meaning. Your post and enlightenment because of my experiences prove that I was wrong.

Know that you aren't mad, or weak, in your feelings. You are being harmed by folks that seek to prey on you, even though they don't know you from Eve. The siphons of our enemies are designed to extract our substance autonomously, without the need to be targeted by overlords, because their underlings each do that for them, right down to your boss, neighbors, and local politicians.

The solution I stumbled on was all that was left when the doors to my hopes and dreams were all found to be not only closed, but locked from the other side: stop working for them, stop supporting them with my substance, and directly work for and with my neighbors.

While I am not able to buy whatever trifles I think are shiny and coveted, my actual needs are met by my neighbors. I've prepared one meal in the last two weeks, because my neighbors feed me daily. 5 out of the last 6 months my rent has been paid by folks I do work for, in lieue of payment for my work.

Neighbors aren't the enemy, no matter what fears are driven into your mind by the enemedia. Meet them, see what they need, and meet those needs to create communities of folks that aren't parasitizing you.

Doing that lifted the veil of grief that I saw the world through, and has replaced it with honest joy at being a member of a community of good people, flawed and broken as are we all.

Above all, don't fall for the insidious whisper planted in your mind that you don't matter.

You have proved today that I do matter, because I have become helpful to you despite my never having even met, or heard of you, before.

Know that proof you are. It is true.

Believe what is true, and build on it with principles you know are right. Your neighbors are in the same boat, and when you take off the veil of grief, they can get glimpses of it through your eyes, that see clearly at last.


Makes me happy to have run into your comment and words, both here and on the original post. And, I can see how you have made a difference so you're correct in pointing out that I have no idea how I might be doing the same for unknown others in just being who I am.
I have stepped away from a position that was siphoning too much from me and as you know there are some who are eager to shame and question your/my decisions in order to put you/me back in the line. Although my neighbors aren't feeding me, I too am experiencing miracles &/or surprising ease in "making it," in a society others are so convinced requires large sums of money. Fortunately, I questioned banks/debt early on and worked to pay my house off by forty and that definitely helps in the freedom department.
Also, appreciate your views on lifting the veil of grief and seeing that neighbors aren't the enemy, interesting how the enemedia is working to isolate us.
I think that the "positive thinking," branch of advertisement/propaganda adds to this isolation by encouraging people to deem themselves unworthy or weak because if they'd only change their thinking all would be well.
You do matter. I matter. Thank you for truth in response.

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