5 min freewrite; Prompt - Sunburn

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)


My submission for the 5min freewrite competition Day 127 hosted by mariannewest. Today's prompt is Sunburn.


Planet 1 – Earth, Milky Way Galaxy, 2018
Right from childhood Jeffrey Olakey was a game freak. He would spend long hours in his room or tree-house engrossed in one video game or the other. And he played EVERYTHING. From Call Of Duty on his PS4 to the snake game on his grandfather’s old Nokia 3310. Once he started he was in his own world, a zone where he was the main character. Little did he know he was about to enter a reality where normal things don’t happen very often.
Jeffery lay on his mother’s yoga mat in the lawn as he punched furiously away at the buttons of his Gameboy. Up, down, B, Left, A. A few meters away, an istrut hidden in the bushes observed him closely. The istruts are a race of mystical beings who are supernaturally attracted to locations of twinefuse. A twinefuse occurs when two beings in the universe do the exact same series of things at the exact same time. This makes the celestial watchers see them as one being and they are either fused together or one is erased from existence.

Planet 2 – Nenykll, Mqikku Galaxy, 4027
Young Nennite Asus Mora is lying on his mother’s vitals scanner and decides to practice his finger exercises on his electronic assistant device. He draws a virtual Cartesian plane on the left, two small forward slashes in the middle and two circles on the right. He presses the North end of the Cartesian plane, the South, the first round button, the West point and the second round button. Asus transforms to light and he disappears.

Jeffery wakes up to see his mother and father standing over him worried.
“Did he brand himself with something?” his father said
“Its probably just sunburn” his mother replied
‘I’ve never seen sunburn so designed on someone’s body”
Jeffery wakes up to see a huge circular burn mark on his torso. He panics even more when the mark begins to move.
“Honey the sun burn is moving” Mr Olakey shrieks
“What is that?”
The large dark spot morphs to reveal the word ASUS
Jeffrey's chest begins to...


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Whoah! this is soooo creative and crazy... really original, I want to know what happens next!

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dang hes a computer!

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The large dark spot morphs to reveal the word ASUS
Jeffrey's chest begins to..


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