Way Station Earth - entry to the 5 Minute Freewrite by @mariannewest

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)

Image Credit @loliboofae

When people ask me where I come from, and I am in a certain mood, it can happen that I say I am from Beta Centauri. Truth is that when I do I am just half joking. There are so many things about the race I am born into that are so alien to me as if I had been born into a colony of ants. Over the years I have leaned to adapt -mostly; and yes of course there are things about me that are very much human, but it can be exhausting to have to translate my me-ness to a world that at the current time just isn't ready for it or just lacks the tools to understand. As a child I often pictured earth as a way station or juvenile detention centre where people were sent until they were sorted into their proper categories. I envisioned that all those that did not quite fit or were defective where sent here to test and refine their metal under controlled and somewhat safe perimeters. I often wondered if I had been sent here by ascendant, or with some specific mission that I forgot upon impact. I would obsess over the question, do I deserve to be here? Did I do something wrong, or is there some opportunity or framework unique to this crazy motel 6 of the galaxy that I needed to experience to evolve to a new stage. <this is as far as I got in 5 minutes ...


Writing notes:

This was written for the 5 minute free write of @mariannewest the prompt today was the picture itself. To join in on the fun go Here I would like to thank @deirdyweirdy for alliterating me about todays prompt
(Image credit Dave Renike and a portrait of the fair jubilee made by myself turned into this here universal truth meme) 1146410_626398614061443_1547687283_o.jpg


nan small.jpg

Image Credit

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art courtesy of @PegasusPhysics


Image Credit



Intriguing start to a story! I like how you pulled this character out and started with them being interesting right from the start!

Thursdays are my day to help @mariannewest deliver the prompts, so on that note… here I am with my crazy scattered thoughts to deliver Today’s Daily Prompt: Red Wine for the freewrite. Feel free to join us if you have the time and thank you for joining us today! It is such an awesome community to be a part of and now we have a new page with contests, new challenges and even more community:

Check out the latest Freewrite Favorites @freewritehouse!
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It is actually autobiographical this time , LOL ;)

Hey, THAT I understand. I won't give your secret away!!! :)

I enjoyed reading. I too have felt the outsider/awkward as a child and you captured this well.

This is delightful and I second @felt. buzz in saying this is worth expanding and exploring the concepts you touched on!

It might very well happen :)

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