5 Minute Freewrite: Wednesday - Prompt: sheep

in #freewrite6 years ago

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When we think of sheep we think of farm animals that provide milk to make cheese. Wool to make clothing plus various other possibilities.

There are those of us that feel sheep is more of a description. It usually is used as a derogatory statement. Sheep follow unconditionally. They like the euphoria that is created by speakers, situations, and feelings that follow from being part of a group of either like-minded or feed those feelings.

Most sheep don't know fully or understand the bigger picture of a given situation that they are just angry over something or bothered. So when someone comes along and offers a definition they can relate to or an action plan to correct something the follow happily along.

This is ultimately where the phrase black sheep comes from. A black sheep is one that marches to their own tune. They don't follow the pack. They are different. They don't follow blindly. They seek their own path. They question. They are different. In a family situation, they are refered to as the 'bad' child or the one that has issues.

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Now I feel dumb for not figuring out the meaning of "black sheep" before XD

Oh don't. I don't think it's a phrasing used everywhere. Just someone that stands out in a crowd mostly. In families it's usually the trouble maker. As far as that goes, I march to my own drummer. I just try to be true to myself. That's all, so please don't feel dumb.

I was that black sleep. I was contrary and contentious, feeling the unspoken tension in our family home. I got pregnant young and ended up in a worse place in the end, learning lessons that could have waited.

I definitely am in mine. I'm not churchy, my path is different. I am the oldest and I am the 'screw up' I may not have finished college but at least I tried. My brother didn't. Of course when daddy didn't want a girl it opens a whole can of worms. My life may not be perfect. I am ok with it. Sure we struggle from time to time, who doesn't. At least a appreciate what I have, my brother doesn't, oh well.

Sorry you had to learn things the hard way @wandrnrose7. Seems like you're coming out on top though? Or at least trying to.

Well, I admire you for what you're doing and you keep at it and the right people will appreciate you.

I'm doing very well these days. I left my ex-husband after 20 years of marriage I went to college. I put myself through college and got a 4 year degree in Communications and the debt to show for it!) As things go, financially, I could be doing better, but I am content with my life and now have a wonderful partner to share my life with. Lessons I've learned in life are to work hard, set goals, and believe in myself. Showing kindness to everyone I meet brings great blessing and lifelong friends. Best wishes, my friend.

Hi, you have won a full 100% upvote from MAP Rewarder Free Vote Friday!

As your posts already receive automatic upvotes, I have manually upvoted one of your comments :-)

Thank you so much!

Without the black sheep the white wouldn't know what to do with themselves ;)

LOL Too true. Someone has to keep them busy.

I like to think that sheep have perfected the queue: they know how to line up and follow, usually in a very quick manner. ;-)

Thanks for contributing to the #Freewrites.

Here is today's prompt: Day 315 : 5 Minute Freewrite: Thursday - Prompt: iris

That they do. I am seeing a great benefit to these. It helps getting the thoughts from my brain to my fingers 😃

ahha! so YOU'RE the black sheep of steemit! I knew we had to have some around here! lol. howya doin tryskele? this was a pretty dang good freewrite, I don't know how you got that much out in 5 minutes, I guess it's a gift.
I could do a paragraph maybe. maybe.
hey what in the world is The Mesopotamians?

Yes, I AM LOL!! Glad you liked it. Somedays typing goes great, other days the fingers don't want to work. If I test myself I only test about 45 wpm. I actually type faster but, 'test' and having to 'perform' my brain gets involved LOL.

The Mesopotamians is sort of a support group to help those that want to grow and help on the platform on various levels. Each level is based on you SP. When I hear of the next contest. I will let you know. The one right now is for those over 1000 sp for the next step. There is a post on the Mesopotamian page that breaks down and explains the intentions of the project. I really like the group. I don't chat much on Discord. Not sure why. I guess I am more busy with trying to keep up with things on here.

howdy again this fine Saturday tryskele! yes I understand about the discord thing. I find that I have to choose where I spend my time and so far the number of comments I'm dealing with because of the Engagement League doesn't allow me the luxury of hanging out in discord unless I want to ignore contacts which I've worked to build so I won't do that.

Great job again on the freewrite, I can tell you are a naturally gifted writer and thanks for the information about The Mesopotamians.

Thank you again @janton. I have never thought of myself as a writer, so that' a pretty big compliment :) . I plan on participating a couple of times a week. It's a great way for people who feel they lack in the skill to work on it.

yes Ma'am it sure is. well they tried to talk me into it because I said I wasn't a writer and they said well lots of people say that and then they try and become writers. But I don't want to try and become a writer so I guess I'm an odd duck for this platform!

I don't think you're an odd duck at all. I feel the same way I don't want to be a writer. I'm not sure of my place. I love talking with people. Nothing beats a great exchange of ideas, view and so forth.

To me you're a storyteller. I personally think that's a great quality, It makes your posting fun to read.

oh thank you so much tryskele! yes we are the same in that we love to talk to people. I'd be happy to not have to post at all!

Hello @tryskele, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

Reminds me of shaun the sheep, my son's favorite animated series, he's a kind of black sheep, he has white color instead

I hadn't even noticed 😊 It's a cute show.

Hi there just wanted to pop over and see what you have been up to. I think the freewrting is so much fun. I keep trying out things like that myself just because experimenting with the different posts is so much fun. You covered a lot of ground fast on this one. From cheese to black sheep is quite a leap lol

We just went where the brain took us LOL. I thought sheep and the first thought was bleu cheese LOL. I honestly don't know where the rest came from. I just sort of hit a zone and let my fingers do the work. I'm afraid. Yoda may come visit sometime. It could be funny. (Yes, I say things backwards a lot)

Very good one from @tryskele!!!

But beside a FLOCK, there is always a SHEPHERD who is a HUMAN specie; miles more INTELIGENT than the FLOCK whose intelletual limitations BLINDS them from identifying the LION from a FAR!!!

WHENEVER a Sheep, decides to exercise ITS freedom from the SHEPHERD and WALKS ITS OWN PARTH; different from the Shephered's most often than NOT, ends Its Lonely Journey in the Stomach of the RAVENING LION.

It MAY NOT Pay most times to play the Black Sheep

@alaisguineasis thank you for the wonderful comment. It's very true. And a lot of times it does not pay to be the black sheep. If people think I'm a black sheep for taking care of myself and learning to be happy with myself physically, mentally, and spiritually so be it.

Haha!! @tryskele wrote about BLACK SHEEP which He is NOT!! Victories of BLACK SHEEP are alwaysPYRRHIC

LOL @alaisguineasis, Thank you :) I have not looked at things that way. In my family, I am the failure, I am not successful, I make bad decisions and so forth, by their standards .

I actually don't like labels. People do not fit neatly into a box or classification. I do admit, I march to my own drummer. I do think differently than most. I don't think that it is bad at all. I am an individual.

To every friend ; including @tryskele: "Nobody, except YOU should dictate your actions, according to your CONVICTIONS"!!

Other's inputs, however could be necessary, especially when they could be confirmed ALTRUISTIC.

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