
Hugs to you! It can be hard when life is stressful to have good relationships - because life is stressful and it comes through. Reading the dictionary is a big undertaking!!
But yes, you must - MUST - do things that bring you joy!

Thank you for your kind words. It's nice to hear from you.

I hope this was pure fiction, not autobio - you're too young and accomplished to be a recluse or a hermit - I've been so afraid that I'll argue with people that I've stayed away from speaking with people. - that sounds like me, not the dashing @tristancarax! We live in troubled times, my friend (where's that meme of the guy with the cigar)... and you have to be true to yourself but you don't have to reveal your true opinions... we writers, though, just HAVE TO share our thoughts! Like pressure cookers: vent, or explode. I'm always wondering why everyone else seems to get a free pass to express opinions while I get doors slamming in my face. Eh. Moving on! Thank you for sharing this freewrite! (Now I'm wondering how many people do the 5-minute freewrite without posting.)

Autobio for this one. Too young, I agree but getting to know people is extremely challenging. My teacher said I like to argue. I'm trying to figure out how to speak with people without doing it but I don't understand it.

Writing has helped some. Venting has not, unless I leave it for my eyes only. I've vented online more than a few times and it pretty much seems to hurt me. Getting it out in stories is a nice way to cover it up. I've tried that a couple of times.

Your last question is interesting.

Taking a risk to tell someone how you really feel — even if it’s not what they want to hear — has benefits. Self-esteem, stress, blood pressure, spending more time with people you care about. And getting that time back opens up self-discovery. Maybe you’ll find what makes you most fulfilled is nature, which promotes alpha brain waves, fuels creativity and reduces depression - Why People Ghost — and How to Get Over It

Sorry, I'm on a roll and can't find the brakes!
...."social rejection of any kind activates the same pain pathways in the brain as physical pain, meaning there’s a biological link between rejection and pain"
Why People Ghost — and How to Get Over It

This is one of the reasons I'm probably in chronic pain.

It's been extremely tough to make any meaningful connections with people. Even if the opportunity is there, I run away in fright or I self-sabotage.

I've been on the outside so long that I don't understand how to get back in (if I ever was in in the first place).

Ah, video games, the opium of the people!
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