If I could live the dream.

in #freewrite5 years ago

The Hive

Howdy folks'.

How much would money change me? In truth this cannot be answered until a time comes I have some. Let's do a science project and get millions to my account and monitor the changes it makes. How much my arrogance would grow and much of the struggles I had would I forget. Would it change my attitude toward life.

I know it would have a positive effect on the lifestyle I would be able to have. Those benefits are not the changes I am thinking of. Would my personality change? and to what degree? Would I still give the same consideration to others? Would I become more demanding? the list goes on and on about how finance might change the outlook one has on life and how they might live it. Certainly, there is the freedom of choices that finance can provide. Beyond this, the benefits to the individual do not continue to grow along with the wealth gained.

How I do the same things I do now would change. I would probably do most of the things I do from the road and work from a laptop. I'd still like to keep going with Steem and develop Steem projects. I enjoy the company of the few people who give me time and keep me company in the voice chats.

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My plan if I ever came into finance was always to travel some and meet people. How I would travel plane boat or train bus or personal coach with a driver. I like some aspects of them all. The first thing was a card passport then new clobber (clothes) off to the airport and the first ticket to a destination I choose. I am a bit older not and that travel freedom I would let go ad go more toward one of a bit of comfort while travelling. A bit more planning involved then anywhere I may land.

Imagining what I would do if I had €180 Million. What I could do feels so limiting in so many ways. Assuming I play the smart card and my future expenses are something no longer needed to be considered, They are covered. One thing I have been thinking about is Steem and how much would be worth to invest into Steem. How much would be too much.

One million Two million Ten Million Twenty Five million? I would probably have to go to Steem Inc to get that amount of Steem in one purchase. All of it the full 180 million. I don't think I would go to all of it in Steem. While I do not really have much interest in other tokens or coins out there. There would be other investments I would find to make for a personal benefit.

My project that I try to begin here now on Steem would get it's go ahead. Full Steem ahead. Looking at this, I am thinking this could cause a false economy for Steem in the beginning if the demand for Steem is too big too soon. With such a large amount at hand. There would be no development phase just an instant demand for Steem. The possibility of a pump happening unintentionally is very possible as people see this demand appear. How much we can negate a dump when it happens is unpredictable.

Having a recurring demand for Steem and powering it up will play a big part in the future success of Steem itself and projects that develop utilising the platform and services it can provide.

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There seems to be a view that someone needs to be a coder or developer involved somehow in the working of a chain. The truth is someone needs an idea. Steem Inc admits it needs assistance. That they should be involved with the Steemit Platform and other front ends to the chain a bit more.

I could write anything in this post to be honest. The spelling could be incoherent and leave the reader at a loss to the purpose of the post. It will get some votes it does get anyway and now with the change in the reward split. It will also gain some other votes it seems. Dependant on the amount of words used in the post. Maybe I am misreading this and timing is perfect for coincidence.

I could do something like this.
oOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoO all through the post. Besides the people I have had regular contact with. the reading of what I post is not read or looked at. The new votes my post have been randomly getting are from people who have most definitely not read the post. Although appreciated and no complaint on getting the vote. The post was not read and an assumption on the post made simply the amount of characteristics used in the post.

The same will go for down votes. If certain purchased votes are used an automated down vote will happen from another source. Possibly both funded by the same original source to some degree. This down vote is often based on the amount of the purchase and again not about the content in the post.

So much is said about having quality content. People that come here will want to read quality content. I have to take a slightly different view on this and feel that it is the people who want to gain a reward or have their opinion read by other who want to be here. Be that opinion be their music art work stories opinions or any other material published on the chain.

There is a limited amount in the reward pool. Very little chance those who gain from what does not go to the reward pol will give any of it up. A good chance more will be taken from the pool to support something else.

With 90 thousand on an average day in the reward pool. We could at an average, have 90 different front ends that all get the support of 1 thousand Steem each day.

There might be variance not all would be able to make use of the 1K Steem. Some might have 500 other 250 big ones 2000 or 2500. There would be some means to divide the reward. Within those 90 projects they should develop the ability to reward the producers or and the consumer of the project.

If a front end it made and it wants support from the community. It could have a way to divide the reward it gains among its community or supporters. It would be each front ends objective to make that front end appealing to its consumer.

If a front end was to be made for a novel fan, The fan does not want to be bothered with all the rest of the things on the Steem chain. Advertisement on a page might link them to similar items. In general they will not see anything but a list of the new chapters of a novel or short story published. If the material is good the same people will subscribe to the front end and provide a small fee. Each front end should be able to provide for itself. Ideally in some manner returning something back to the Steem chain. In this case the content of the novel.

The same can be applied for music and other arts. Development of these entry points if funded by the Steem community should become an integral part and not the property of an individual.

If I had the Steem power to impose this will. Hopefully I would not need to and people would hear the finance talk and the words I use would no longer be relevant. If I done it all alone would everyone still deserve the rewards?

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