For The Sake of a Slice of a Chocolate Cake

in #freewrite5 years ago (edited)

The sun streamed through the cafe's large wooden windows that morning. It kissed the grass outside -bounced off of it to float like a rainbow see through mirror- that could be seen halfway through the dancing curtains flirting with a morning breeze that left Koe's skin with a dash of goosebumps.

Having grown up in snowing places, she welcomed it. As if to connect spiritually with her ancestry. Then she smiled to herself. How good it felt to be back. The greenery. The welcoming smiles. The energy. It all felt right.

She took a sip of her coffee and smiled again. She had missed it more anything. The taste. Raw. Rich. Can never be found anywhere in her foreign home. She wished she had a reason not go back there. Not because of the coffee but because her soul felt home. That thought was almost overwhelming. She smiled her happy tears away and cursed inwardly wondering if anyone was watching her.

Quick survey of the room left her ninety five percent sure no one was but her OCD magnifyed the other five percent for one long minute before her phone alerted her to reply a text she had been waiting up on. A gulp in between the three needed paragraphs and her cup was out.

Before she could signal the waiter for a refill, he showed up with one and a slice of a chocolate cake. He dug into his pocket for a note as an explanation to his actions wearing a smirk. The note read;

For the beautiful girl at the far corner who won't stop smiling. My friends call me Kunta.

Her eyes did a nervous swap through the cafe and she met hers. The one whom she thought had been reading something the entire time. She smiled. Maybe there was a reason to stay home after all.

(Photo is mine... Taken with a Samsung Galaxy Tab in September at Brackenhurst!)

For the amazing @mariannewest's five minute freewrite prompt, chocolate cake. It's interesting how my creative persona works! Kindly blame the romance bug currently trying to inhabit me :D

Cross Published



I'm looking for posts to promote with tipu, but you do not give photo credit for this awesome poem, @tezmel:(

But the photo is mine :)

Thank you for reading my work! And the kind thoughts.

A romance bug never did anyone any harm. This is a sweet story. I hope she sticks around long enough to get some action.

I'm here to deliver the Tuesday prompt so please write us another! And have a wonderful holiday!

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Very rich and atmosphere, I loved your story!

Thank you so much. I am trying to squeeze myself in places my pens have always felt inadequate :)

:) She did have a reason to stay home

It would seem so yes. Thank you for coming :)

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