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RE: Wild and Woolly

in #freewrite6 years ago

From a great distance (like in my garden, i.e. AFK) it seems to make no difference what the heck goes on online.... paste and copy and retweet all you care, why not, I am tempted to be casual. Why DO we care? Or not, as the case may be? How possessive are we? What is the net really showing up, mirroring back? Damaging, corrupting, influencing? Yep, it touches upon your Real TIme before you know it, but also that will pass, as time always does.
Ultimately, the heart goes out most to what YOU post, and the Unsplash guy becomes interesting only because YOU posted him....which makes for very interesting (karma) considerations beyond the hysteria of copyright infringements.


Indeed, what is it mirroring back and the infringement on real time is insane. Crazy to look back at old posting's, say something of ten years ago and see how much real time has just passed by in the blink of an eye.
Love what you're saying about following the line of heart, from me and then to the photographer and to the next because that's how I like to navigate as well. Yes, much to consider in the realm of karma and incredible how this machine, this net is making its mark, opening up some things and closing down other's and because so many breathing, heart-beating people are involved it is given its own real life.
I am quite amazed at the wire crossing's, the shared dreaming's and the synchronicities that reveal themselves via this web.
In sad fashion, I've learned more about a close relationship I have been in over the past handful of years through a third party blogger I've never met in real life--though she lives close and I've seen her out my car window. Too much to share in all that's unfolded, but very much to do with the intranet/internet/extranet.
Sending you a cyber Valentine that says, I do admire you too!

Cyberspace network lines may be helpful to those insearch of soul space without wanting to get lost in space.... The space of one's own lucid (Luciferic) dreaming. It's a risk, mind you, for the entanglement in the web on its one-second-glue strands is real. Like ALL things to do with words/print it's an Ahrimanic (devilish) project at the end of the day (all time).

Some of us are sent here to see what can be done by way of workable security: safe walkways; firm gatekeepers.

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