Her road to nowhere (#Weekendfreewrite, single prompt option, prompt “hardboiled minds”)

This is my contribution to Weekend #Freewrite 3/31/2018, Single Prompt Option.

I chose to write a rather random text today instead of continuing my ongoing story of Tara, just because I felt I couldn’t really get into Tara’s world today.

But there's a short backstory to today's text anyway: For reasons I don’t really know I have “Road to Nowhere” by the Talking Heads in heavy rotation this evening. You can find the song here, if you really don't know it, because you didn't grow up in the 80s ;-)

And when I randomly picked a prompt, I came up with “hardboiled minds” – and it immediately made sense, the song and the prompt together, and I was picturing the scene that I now have written about.

Feel free to try and listen to the song while reading if you like – it might add something extra, at least to me it does.

Her road to nowhere

Image source

Her car out of gas, no cell reception.

She had started walking, smiling.

Just further down the road, she had thought.

At some point there must be a house or at least a car passing by.

On the road to nowhere.

She had walked for hours.

No one behind her, no one in front.

No car passing by.

When she had lost her smile, she started to hear the marching music, the stomping.

The reassuring. Baby, it’s all right.

And there was a city in her mind.

But it wasn’t all right.

She walked on and on and on.

Ha. Ha.

The first blister on her right foot.

It didn’t hurt that badly.

She didn’t even feel it that much.

Until it opened up.

She didn’t know where she had been.

She wanted the future to be certain.

And kept marching.

On the road to nowhere.

Ha. Ha.

She had run out of water.

No houses, nowhere.

Here we go, she thought.

And kept marching.

Ha. Ha.

Maybe you wonder where you are.

She didn’t.

And she didn’t care.

Just take me there.

Not just a city in my mind.

Her neck and her face burnt.

It hurt like hell.

Her mind numb, hardboiled, dried out.

The view got blurry.

Her head hurt.

On the road to nowhere.

The marching and stomping faded.

Into walking.

Into going.

Into stumbling.

Then falling.

On the road to nowhere.


Hurry, if Pinches drives fast enough down the same stretch, for some unknown reason, she could save her. That is definitely an old song there.

You're right, she should try that - what a shame she was busy at the FreewriteHouse last night with that spade and everything!

Haha, I know right? And go figure a couple women had to save the guys. Isn't it supposed to be the other way around? :-)

I don't really know if I would want to count on someone like Dash to rescue me, he would probably interrupt the mission as soon as he smelled food, lol! ;)

Lol, very true. It's about time that we women have heroes we can count on. :-)

That was a great story. Congratulations. Happy Easter.

Thank you so much! Happy Easter to you, too!

Listening to the song while reading the story was actually quite an experience ... Usually I can't listen to music and read at the same time...

It feels so often that we are on a road to nowhere....

I have to admit that I've started to look a different way whenever I feel that politics or societies are on a road to nowhere, or nowhere good. I've spent a lot of time and energy on trying to "change" something, but it didn't seem to have any impact.

So great you tried the "reading while listening thing"! Now that you've mentioned it, I don't really know if I do often listen to music while reading, but I almost always listen to music while writing.

A long time ago I wrote some heartbreak stuff while listening to the Moonlight Sonata (not really creative choice ...), and when I found that text I had written years later and read it again, I realized it was actually written in the melody of the sonata. That was quite interesting to me. Unfortunately, the text got lost in one of those HD crashes, otherwise I had posted it.

I feel you!! I have been "involved" for many years as well and find that to be very ineffective. That is why I pretty much concentrate on what I can do as an individual. i.e. I left a city improvement group to do my own thing - like offer a free Yoga class and build a little free library...

I think I could listen to classical music - but most other just creates like an itch on the corner of my brain if I try to do other stuff. I love live music...

Happy Easter! Thanks for including the "Road to Nowhere" link. I love watching 80's videos! I think that they're a lot more interesting than a majority of the music vids produced nowadays!
I'm really hoping one of those traveling RVs happens up upon her! You can usually count on one of those driving by in stories (though she may have to just hold out through nightfall!)

Today's prompts are brought to you by Phule's Rocket Fuel! Don't have a rocket? Don't worry folks, their fuels are all natural and edible! Try some on your toast and start your day off with a blast!

Freewrite Day 164 - Fool

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Thank you and Happy Easter to you too! Yes, they made some really interesting videos back then, so glad you liked it!

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