Day 123: 5 Minute Freewrite: Monday - Prompt: fumigate

English isn't my first language, and it turned out to be an advantage today, because I had to look up the prompt and therefore could start the moment I knew the meaning - without any "pre-writing" thinking. I knew "fume", but seriously had considered some kind of Watergate analogy ;)
I also set a mood before I looked it up, since I often use music to write (I do actually have different playlists for different projects) and today I thought I'd try a cover of Bobbie Smith's Now You're Gone by Ceremony from Virginia. Also, the guy behind Ceremony is a great guy and really into DIY, maybe I'll try to lure him into Steemit.

But now my contribution. Enjoy, and thanks so much for your interest!


Sunday afternoon in the suburbs

Can't breathe. Gas mask on my mouth, right? Shouldn't I be able to breathe, then? I wish I could see anything. Really, just anything. I don't even know if it's smoke or something else that has built up around me like a wall. What the hell had happened? Last thing I remember was seeing a tiny insect in the bedroom. Then yelling, really loud yelling. Stephen had run outside, I guess, then come back again. What the hell? Loud noise, swooshing, then this freaking wall. Tsunami of smoke, only did it come from every side. Stephen had thrown me something, I had put it onto my face instinctively, didn't really know it was a gas mask. What the hell? He had gas masks in our garage? When did he get them? And why? And more disturbing - what else had he brought with him? Something like a flame thrower, only with smoke. "I built it myself", Stephen yelled, as if the smoke would prevent the sound waves from reaching my ear. "I can see that - or, rather CANNOT see that!", I yelled back. What the hell?

Hours later, I was able to breathe without gas mask and see again, I saw Stephen smiling like a little boy. "It worked!", he almost cried in joy, "My self-built Fumigate Express worked!" "Uhmmm...", I sighed in exhaustion. And I swore to never call him over again when I saw a tiny insect somewhere.


For English not being your first language, you write in it very well!

Thank you so much!!

This is great! Thanks for the laugh.

You did a wonderful job! I can't even tell that English is not your first language. I feel as though you do even better, I can only speak one language! Nice job.

Wow, thank you so much, this means a lot! I still feel like my storytelling is actually different in English than it is in German (which is my mother tongue), really just "different" without judgement. Not only because I sometimes have troubles finding the right or "best" words in English (which I have, of course), but because these languages are so different regarding their tone, despite the many similarities in structure and vocabulary. I find this an extremely interesting experience.

Beats using a hand grenade to kill a mosquito. Enjoyable read, STR:)

Thank you! Haha, I hadn't thought of a hand grenade for a mosquito! I wish I could draw, this would make a great cartoon, I think!

hahaha - don't call him!! For sure!! but at least he was prepared with gas masks and all :)

Haha, right, seems like he's someone who's thinking ahead! ;) Thank you!

"Fumigate Express" it! : ) That would be the last time I called Stephen too. Your English is great! : )

Thank you so much! Yeah, I didn't even know Stephen when I started writing this piece and now nobody's ever gonna call him again, haha.. poor guy ;)

Haha I loved that...sometimes it's best to deal with things yourself. As others have pointed out, you have very good English ;) Good job!

Thanks a lot! Yes, DIY rules ;)

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