5 Minute Freewrite: Lizard Cave

in #freewrite7 years ago

5 Minute #Freewrite! Writing prompt: Lizard Cave (from this post)

There it was, the lizard cave. I should say Lizard Cave. All the others hold it in such esteem, for me to dishonor it by calling it the lizard cave, lowercase, would be frowned upon. But what do I care? I don't hold it in such great esteem. It's just a little cave, not even big enough to crawl inside, just big enough to poke your head in, and there aren't any damn lizards. But Grace told Rich that Hailey said that her little brother's friend Cami put her head in the lizard cave and got bit by a real live lizard on the nose, and that two weeks later, Cami's nose fell off and now Cami has a reconstructed nose, made out of parts of her leg. But I don't believe that story for a second. I came here on a dare and I put my head in and there was nothing. I put my arm in first, of course, but you don't need to go telling anyone else that. But it was empty except for a stupid beer can, and nothing bit my hand OR my nose. People are so stupid, bringing their alcohol out here and drinking and then putting their cans in caves like caves are some kind of trash can. Cami was probably drunk when she put her nose in. She probably lost her nose because she fell down drunk on the hike back to her car.


Thank you so much for writing!! Yeah, she probably fell on her way down :) Love it!!
Also, I am posting this link to the prompt post and you can do that anytime you write along :) Thank you!! Awesome!

Yes, I will!

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