Day 13 of Free Write: Sound Check Prompt

in #freewrite7 years ago

For the first time since I've started the challenge I missed a free write yesterday! I had a lot going on yesterday and some other posts I had to catch up on so slipped my mind! Even though it shouldn't take more than five minutes, right?

Sound checks just remind me of all the concerts I've been to since sound checks seem to happen all the time at those! The primary music I listen to is rap music and the worst part about going to a rap concert is that 90% of rappers are usually PRETTY late about getting on stage to perform. The reason why I'm going into the lateness is that usually once the guys come on to do the sound check that means that the rapper will probably be coming on stage within the next 15 minutes!

The amount of times that my friends and I were stuck waiting in large anxious crowds for an hour or two is way too many. People start getting really frustrated in the large mosh pit crowd that shoving and pushing begins to happen before the concert even starts! All that angry tension gets even more escalated when the sound check finally begins to happen. Part of all this is why I love rap concerts though...all this tension and buildup for everyone; everyone begins to be so annoyed. AS SOON as the rapper actually comes out to perform all that tension is gone and everyone is just lost in the moment for the next few hours.

Of course this is all being barred on the hope that the rapper is actually a pretty good performer live or not, but I have not really been disappointed YET. All this talk actually makes me want to go to a concert soon since its kind of been awhile since I've been to one! What great concerts have you all been to?

Thanks for reading everyone, check out the link below to get involved!


I have only been to one real concert by a popular band in my whole life, and I got talked into going to that one by a friend. It didn't take me long to find out that I just didn't fit in at an event like that. But I have set in the comfort of home and watched a few on television or recorded onto a DVD, much better for me. 😎

Definitely concerts are not for everyone. Great that you tried it once!

I wonder if the rappers deliberately come on late to hype up the audience, to build anticipation? There is something about the mood of a crowd that is contagious though, isn't there?

I've been to one show in a bar, a friend's brothers band - it was lots of screaming with some sort of meaning but I couldn't tell one single word. Other than that, I've been to my children's concerts, which are sometimes surprisingly good (since you don't tend to expect much).

Today I am Marianne's specially programmed robotic delivery squirrel. I'm scampering through the freewriters, bringing our lady's next creative prompt.

Its that 50% of the time probably honestly.

Sometimes it is hard to hear the individual words! Thank you so much for filling in :).

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