Day 4: 5 minute free write - Lizard Cave

in #freewrite7 years ago (edited)

Love geckos, their dainty legs and feet and delicate tongue. Love the way they seem to engage with you, cocking their head as if they are listening to your every word, a silent and very polite companion. Wonder what they eat?

I had a friend who was a member of the Zoological Society here in the UK. She had a free pass for London Zoo, could visit any time she wanted and take a guest. From time to time, I was a guest. Her big fascination was the snakes. I didn't really get it, they lived in glass boxes, usually wrapped around each other (again, polite and silent companions), rarely moving, just about the laziest creatures as far as I could see.

I preferred the penguins in their blue tiled Bauhaus swimming pool. You got your money's worth in entertainment from them.

I don't remember any lizard caves.


We have meerkats at our zoo, and they're my favorites!

Never seen meerkats in real life, only nature ptogrammes. Bet they're fun!

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