5-minute freewrite Day 818 prompt: well

in #freewrite5 years ago


Well, somehow eight days went by again since I posted last. Part of the reason this time is because I was very preoccupied with snow. We got 14" in 24 hours, Friday morning through Saturday morning, followed by 8" on Sunday, and then more, adding up to 29" in 5 days. Today the sun came out again for the first time since last Thursday, and it was so encouraging to see blue sky again! Also, it was wonderful not to have any more snow piling up in the yard for my hubby to plow. It got away from him over the weekend, and he has been trying to catch up. I am very thankful he has a tractor with a plow and a snow blower. Part of the time, the snow was too wet and heavy to use the snowblower attachment, and he could only move about a 6 inch swath at a time with the plow. It was a long, tedious job for him. My part of the process is to help him get bundled up to go out, shovel the decks, clean off vehicles as needed, and bake cookies to keep him fueled.


Up until this past weekend, we hadn't gotten much snow at all. And then we got all of December's and January's snow in one weekend, I swear. One wonders: was that really necessary? It is beautiful to look at, but a great deal of trouble to keep the yard cleared, and driving can be extremely hazardous. Sometimes I wish I could be a child again, and just have fun playing in the snow, building snowmen, and tobogganing down the hills. There wasn't much to worry about back then.

All Pictures Taken on My Android Phone.


Oh my goodness! You got whacked with snow. The photos are beautiful. I remember actually wanting to go outside as a child and play in snow. We are getting snow today apparently. Right now we have bare roads and no accumulation. Fortunately Jeff drives me back and forth to work. Next week I will be driving a few days. I hope whatever snow is gone by then. Keep warm!

I have lived in the northern part of the country all of my life, and am thinking it would be nice to become a "snowbird" now. I've seen enough snow, thank you.

I am in an agreement with that. This winter is pretty mild for us.

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In Proud Collaboration with The Power House Creatives
and their founder @jaynie


You know, I sometimes get smacked with that wanting to be a kid again feeling when it comes to the snow, well, when it comes to a lot of things really. I loved to running around sledding, playing snow football, and snowball fighting for hours without a care in the world. Heck, back then I didn't even feel the cold. Now I tend to be mired down with the adult side of things like you, snow removal and such. Perhaps I'll just go make a snow angel now or throw snowballs for my Cora to fetch, we need to have more joy!!

Hope you are having a splendid weekend, and guess what, it's still snowing, lol!

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