5 minute freewrite Day 537 Prompt: slug

in #freewrite5 years ago

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Once again, @mariannewest has conveniently chosen a prompt that I can easily use to write about what I already wanted to write about today. (That was a weird sentence.) I have had the Local Bug for the past ten days: upper respiratory issues, including a very impressive cough, and super tired. I have been quite the slug around the house, barely managing to put some sort of supper on the table most nights, and not doing much else. Yesterday I vacuumed the basement, and today I vacuumed the upstairs. My husband has been sick, too, but he helped me move furniture and clutter so I could vacuum. He cleaned the chimney a couple of days ago, and changed the tires on his pickup today, but mostly he hasn't been doing very much, either.

But while I was sitting around not doing much, I got around to a project I've had in the back of my mind for quite some time: I scrolled all the way back to my very first post, copied and pasted the link, and thus began to categorize my posts on several pages in my word processor. Now I can easily locate my freewrites, of which there are 85, including weekend freewrites but not we-writes. I hope I can more easily find other old posts now; if nothing else, it may prevent me from writing about the same things again!

And that was #86.


I hope you're feeling better today @scribblingramma. Get well soon. 🙏

🌳Uncle Bruni leafing today's prompt 🌳

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks! Looks like you could use a little more shade there! LOL

A quick recovery to you and your husband.🙇

I also like to do things when I am ill, personally it helps speed recovery.😀 The Doctors wouldn't agree with me though. They would pick resting.

Thank you! This, too, shall pass! I've been trying to find things to do that don't require much physical activity. I'm not sick enough to want to just lie in bed day after day.

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