Day 123: 5 Minute Freewrite: Monday - Prompt: Fumigate

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)

Image by: Tanatat


Fumigate! Fumigate!
My mind is full of thoughts I need to eradicate.
All I did was procrastinate.
Unnecessary thoughts I need to eliminate.

Fumigate! Fumigate!
My mind is full of things I need to eliminate.
I question myself what I did the past week.
No output is making me weak.

I have started a list of what I should do
I thought it's nothing but a few
Now, here I am with a list that's making my panic grew
Where or what to start I still have no clue.

Fumigate! Fumigate!
Maybe to start with coffee is great.
For I know for sure I'll be sleeping late.
Lesson learned, not to procrastinate.


I ran out of time and couldn't think of a title. Anyone can help?


Freestylin' on procrastination-- just what I needed to read. Thank you!

It's always good to start with coffee ;) Good job with this, I loved the rhyming ;)
Here's the new prompt:

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