My Perfect Nanny

in #freewrite5 years ago


My Perfect Nanny

Whenever I see or hear the word Nanny I think of my grandmother who made my childhood a magical land of wonder and awe during the short time I had with her. She was called Nanny by everyone who knew and loved her.

My perfect nanny spend lots of time with her grandchildren. I can still see her, surrounded by me and some of her other grandchildren, telling ghost stories which scared us ... but we always begged for more.

Once berry picking, we saw a bear eating raspberries on the other side of the berry patch. Nanny never panicked,

We won’t bother him and he won’t bother us,” she whispered quietly as we slowly backed out of the berry field and returned to her house for tea and cookies as if seeing a bear was the most natural thing.

I lost my nanny too soon. I was thirteen when she passed. After all these years I still think of her and how special I felt in her company.

I brought home a clump of flowers from Nanny’s old homestead. Seeing them bloom all summer is like loving messages from my perfect nanny.


Above photo is mine of Nanny’s flower after a rain.

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art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics




My grandmother on my mother's side was our Nanny, as well. Your's sounded just as special. ✌💛

Thanks @novacadian. I’m glad you had a special nanny too. 💕

Such a nice and touching story, my dear. It made me remember my grandma. She also passed away when I was still a kid. 😔

Thanks my dear Roxy ❤️. I was away a few days and now behind in replies and comments.

What a beautiful memory!

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Thanks Marianne @mariannewest. Appreciated!

Nice memories life and free write.

Howdy redheadpei! What a wonderful lady and a moving tribute to her!

Thanks Cowboy! Nanny was such a kind, loving person, she always remains in my heart.

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