5 Minute Daily Freewrite: Bubbles!

in #freewrite7 years ago

For today's freewrite challenge-cum-exercise I'll be jotting down words for the prompt Bubbles! I love bubbles, takes me back to my childhood. 😊

For those of us who are unfamiliar with Freewriting, Steemit's freewrite leader @mariannewest has this to say:

Freewriting is to set a timer for a certain amount of time and write. Without stopping. Without correcting anything. Without worrying if what we write is good or bad. Nobody cares.

My 5 minutes starts now...


Whenever I think of bubbles, it reminds of my childhood days when I was still a little toddler dawdling about at home and bothering the people doing the housework. I would always be with our loyal housekeeper chatting with her while she does the laundry.

Soap bubbles would spill all over the washroom floor while she scrubs our clothes and one time she taught me how to make floating bubbles by mixing water and detergent in a cup and dip a straw in it then blow while pointing it upward. I had so much and I suspect she showed me that so I wouldn't bother her and distract her from her work.

While watching TV I also saw a local kid's show that showed how to make bubbles but their mix had an extra ingredient - gumamela flowers (hibiscus)! They said it's sticky juice when crushed will create bigger and sturdier bubbles!


...and time's up! It's true, I tried adding the flowers and the bubbles did get bigger and more durable. 😊 Thank you @mariannewest for this lovely writing exercise, I'm having so much fun! 💗


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Love it!! I almost didn't see it!! Can you please leave a link to your post under the original prompt.
Today's https://steemit.com/freewrite/@mariannewest/day-27-5-minute-freewrite-prompt-it-s-what-i-do-at-2-30-in-the-morning-when-i-can-t-sleep

Sure will. Funny we have that prompt today, I find myself awake early morning sometimes. This should be interesting. 😊

Ooooooh, my grandsons LOVE bubbles. I want to try adding flowers... Great post!

Yes they said crushing hibiscus flowers in the bubble mix will make them grow bigger. Thanks for reading my entry! :D

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