Day 190: 5 Minute Freewrite: Friday - Prompt: a ridiculous amount of fun

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)

Day 190 of the 5 minutes freewrite. you can join in  [Here](

Friday prompt; a ridiculous amount of fun

how time flies when me and my friends were littler and we had a ridiculous amount of fun. we were carefree never  caring about what people said or thought about us. but now we are all grown up and careful not to step on toes. oh what i would give to be young again .

i wish somebody would have told me earlier tha someday this would be the good old days.

NewNote. the freewrite is boosting my typing efficiency . YAY...


I think that's the trick to the good old days. You never truly realize they are, except in hindsight.

Yesv brother. Believe me if we all knew what the future help in store for us, we would do good, love more, sin less. be better person. WE WOULD THREAD SOFTLY.
WE would have joined STEEMIT earlier in life

I we only could know at any time what this will look like 10 years later.

Believe me maam. It would save and help a lot of people

Nostalgia makes everything a bit sweeter, doesn't it? We spend so much time wanting to be grown ups and then even more time wishing to be carefree kids again! Each day is a gift and we'll have more happiness if we treat them as so. I hope that today is a good day for you!

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Weekend Freewrite 4/28/18 - Single Prompt Option

Weekend Freewrite 4/28/18 - Part 1 - The First Sentence

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Indeed it does.
Everyday we are alive should and is a good day. bcos not everyone has the opportunity

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