5 Minute Freewrite Wednesday (prompt-literally)

in #freewrite6 years ago

Charlotte heard Nate coming down the hallway. She knew it was him because he is the only one who makes that stupid annoying whistle sound, like a stuck balloon. She reached out and grabbed his arm, yanked him into her room and shut the door.

"Nate, we might have a problem. I told Mr. Banson that I saw you come out of a few of the little kids rooms, so now he may think you have something to do with the kids being gone."

"oh really! Why would you go and say that? Hmmm, I think I need more than your yogurt to keep me quiet. What else do you have of value to you?"

"Crap. I don't know."

"Well ya better think!"

"Ok, ok! I have a bunch of coins that are literally worth thousands according to my dad."

"Let me see them!"

She pulled them out of a small box under her pillow. After he checked them out. He stuck them in his pocket.

"I'll just tell them the kids were having math trouble, so I was helping out."

Charlotte sure had to do some quick thinking, to keep Nate quiet. I'm the one writing this story, and I can't stand that evil turd. Be sure to check out my blog for the beginning of this story.


Quick thinking indeed! Charlotte is amazing!

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