5 Minute Freewrite: Thursday - Prompt: magical realism

in #freewrite6 years ago

I almost attempted the prompt for Thursday, but after a long stressful day, I found myself passing out in my chair. So, here is my entry. A day late is better than not doing it at all. :)

Yesterday I got to meet the coolest orange cat ever. It was actually the fourth time seeing him. Usually orange cats are a bit on the crazy side. Well, while I was proceeding to do my job, I look down and the said cat was a few feet from me. I softly spoke to him and he sat there looking up at me. It almost looked like he tried to meow but nothing came out. Then as I watched, he would slowly close and reopen his eyes, while looking up at me. That is one of cats ways to let you know they are calm, like a friendly gesture. It was almost a magical realism, seeing how he reacted to me. But hey, what can I say, I am known as a cat whisperer. Who needs magic for that? I have this magnet I carry around with me, that attracts most animals to me. But it would sure be nice if it would do the opposite for spiders. I love animals, and most love me. There is something magical about the way they all interact with me. Even if I run a vacuum, they sometimes stay near me, knowing I am not there to hurt them. I wonder if I was an animal in a past life.
(rubs chin and thinks.."Hmmm, yeah probably not").
Ahh snap. Guess what I just did, or rather didn't do? I was plucking away and was thinking, wow I am getting a lot written here for 5 minutes. I stopped as I ran out of what to say, then looked at timer. Yeah, they usually work better if you hit the start button. (face palm)..
So, I may have gone a minute or two over the 5. But, I like what I wrote, so I was not going to restart and hope I write the same stuff.

Untitled 4.png


Check the price of steem, might help with the stress if it keeps going up!


Glad you're back and writing again. Keep it up! It will probably relieve stress too; it helps to write and get things out. :)

Not likely it would help any time soon, lol. I am slowly making it a daily attempt to write again.

You crack me up at the spider part. Enjoyed reading this piece. :)

Also, I am here to deliver the next prompt to you. Here it is, check it out! It is 'double time'.

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Hehe, glad I got a chuckle out of someone over this. I hate spiders and about 30 minutes ago, I found my cat playing with one in the living room.

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