in #freewrite7 years ago (edited)

I didn't want to get out of bed that faithful day. I woke up feeling very tired;I always wake up feeling tired so not unusual.
Then the outcry started; "Won't you go to church today?, it's Sunday" my mom told me in a harsh tone. 'Mummy leave me, salvation is personal' I replied her reluctantly. She didn't utter a word, she just left the room. 'Hmm that's strange' I thought to myself. Usually she would make a fuss about not going to church.
As I lay there still pondering, I felt splash of cold water on my face. My mum had poured me water. ' What the hell mum, Is it a must to go to church?' I cried out. ' You better get up my friend or the next thing that is going to ràin on you is boiling water' she told me.
I reluctantly got up from the bed and selected the clothes I was going to put on for mass that Sunday (We were Catholics and there were three masses for that day; 7 am, 9 am and 6pm. I preferred going to 7 am mass cause it was shorter and the priest wouldn't preach for too long). There was no escaping mass that sunday, my mum was determined.
' Mum, Where is the iron? 'I went on to ask her in her room.
'So you want to pretend you don't know where the iron is ' she replied me angrily 'you just want to avoid going to church. Note if you don't prepare ontime, you are going for 9am mass' she continued.
I quickly found the iron and pressed my clothes. I didn't want to attend 9am mass and she knew that. She had her way of blackmailing you.
By 6:50 am I was ready and left the house hurriedly , cause if she saw me leaving she would say I was going late and would force me to go to 9 am mass with her.
And this guys is how I was forced to church on a sunday.

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