in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)

Hello all, @pasaift here.
I happen to be participating in the freewrite for today by @mariannewest. DQmbrtow6osCnBeKcbGwVZwNKdNt7hZTVuyGkBAPrPkgzsQ_1680x8400.jpg Thanks to @mariannewest for the image.

Today's prompt is SCOUT
Free writing sofar has been fun, if you have no idea what freewrite is about? Dont hesitate to Click Here and find out.

Tony was a short, yet agile guy of about 21 years. He had enrolled in the military to serve his country and do his part in maintaining peace. There came a time when his team was deployed to a certain state to help in the fight against terrorism. Some terrorist /rebels had abducted some girls from their secondary school. Reason for this act was unknown, but different theories circulated. It was the job of the military to counter these insurgents and bring the girls back home.

The team was divided into two units called Alpha and Delta. Tony was part of the alpha team. Job description of those in this team was to SCOUT the suspected hideout of these insurgents and report to Delta squad who would finish of the mission. Tony had always wanted to prove to others that he could be more than a Scout despite his height. Alpha team consisted of just 6 people, quite a few number to execute the mission.

After scouting the area, They did find the girls and had counted only 12 insurgents. Tony talked the others into using this as an opportunity to prove themselves, as he believed they could handle just 12 guys. It was most unfortunate for them because there was an underground bunker they failed to take notice of. As they started shooting, other insurgents were alerted and came running out, all equipped. This was the last day Tony and his team served their country. They should have just stopped at scouting.
DQmNuF3L71zzxAyJB7Lk37yBqjBRo2uafTAudFDLzsoRV5L.gif @pasaift


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well, the moral is never get overconfident and do the task assigned to you. Lol !! I thought the teams would be Alpha and Beta. Nice freewrite man :)

Yeah, I think so about the moral. I just prefer Alpha and Delta. Thanks for stopping by

Short and interesting. I couldn't figure how many minutes was your free write tho

Oops!! Didn't notice. It's 5 minutes free write. Thanks man

They should have stuck to scouting. But they were poor scouts actually; why didn't them know about the bunker?

Yeah they should have. I'm guessing they weren't that experienced

Well, that was nasty...

Anyway,I'm in charge of delivering the latest prompt, so here ya go:

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