
I am so glad that you liked this Omra! : ) I hope you had a wonderful Christmas too. I got a 3 day migraine for Christmas. Figures! Oh well, it could be worse. I haven't been feeling well for the past 6 months (very weak, no energy) and got blood work done right before Christmas. I had my thyroid removed in the year 2000 and my blood work showed that all of my thyroid levels are low. So I have an appointment tomoroow (Tuesday) to talk about this with my doctor. Hopefully I will just need to increase my medication and nothing more. I sure am looking forward to having more energy.

Wishing you a Healhy and Happy New Year Omra! Hugs!

I hope all goes well tomorrow. I'm sending you all the prayers and positive thoughts I have. (Hugs to you!)

Thanks so much for your prayers and concern my friend. I will let you know how it goes. Your hugs made me feel all warm and cozy too. : )

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