The charging man: Sunday freewrite

in #freewrite6 years ago

"I need to charge," I heard him say. I could only look at him wondering why he was telling me. I mean, almost every table had a charging station. Why didn't he just go plug in?

"Ok. Pick a table and plugin. I'l be over to take your order in just a sec."

He looked at me, then at a table. After what seemed like forever he went and sat down. I took a deep breath just knowing that this was going to be one of those nights. You know, the ones filled with weirdos and oddballs.

Grabbing the coffee pot I went over to his table. And of course he's sitting half bent over just starting at the table. Nothing plugged in.

"I thought you had to charge?" I said, regretting it immediately.

"I need to charge..."

His words slurred together, like a toy when the batteries are running low. Then his head dropped onto the table hard, making me jump back. That's when I saw the back of his neck...

Sorry folks that's all the time we have for today!

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Would I help him charge?
But what if it was safer to leave him unplugged like that?
Oooohhhh... but the keyboard is in your hands and so


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