Day 633: 5 Minute Freewrite: Monday - Prompt: 100 year old donkeysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #freewrite5 years ago


Raven & Chief

I dusted off the saddle and the 100 year old donkey winked at me. The dessert looked parched my throat was sand trap in need of hydration. I look to the horizon for an oasis, the internal oasis, the thriving soul of energized possibilities. Rapped and tapped from the daily hustle, the daily rise and grind, a figment of reality stuck merging on the highway. Shitty coffee in styrofoam cups, carpet stained drizzle of the weary, the wacky got straight, the fakery diminished from the trivial concept of things like time. BTC on the rise and LIBRA out for the jugular, STEEM here to stay maybe tell the story while I shop around and play around in the DCL. A playground of the changing minds, changing times, an igloo built both of snow and sand, when west and east meet upon another flat earth conspiracy. Don’t shed a tear, the eye crust of the 100 year old donkey flakes off and sputters through the air, dust upon the dusted, the minimal laid upon the physical, unravelled like the ball of twine in the kitten’s paws, droplet of sweat kilo of blood. A persuasion of the connected minds, a bringing it home back to the natural state is if you were a Stoic 1


Really well done @nathanthewise, though I have admit, I had to read it twice to understand it, but once I did it's just awesome.

This post is AWESOME!

It has therefore got a 100% upvote from @thisisawesome, for the Awesome Daily Upvotes in category Freewrite, I give out 1 such vote in that category per day, plus 3 more in other categories, and your post will also be featured in todays Awesome Daily report for more visibility.

The goal of this project is to "highlight Awesome Content, and growing the Steem ecosystem by rewarding it".

Thanks @thisisawesome that's a cool idea you got going on look forward to the follow :)

Thanks @nathanthewise, and thank you for creating awesome content.

WOW! There is so much in this that I love! Donkey eye crust on the wind, A playground of the changing minds, changing times, an igloo built both of snow and sand, when west and east meet upon another flat earth conspiracy. A lot to chew on in that one, got my mind spinning with images. Great post!
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