Day 629: 5 Minute Freewrite: Thursday - Prompt: warm amber eyes
The honey coloured eyes of the warm amber eyes, where did she go and where did she come from? First life, second life or maybe more. The participation of the heart palpitations goes with the pitter patter of the ticking heart clock, up for the swing and down for the chime. The hidden crystal and crystal power, awaken from the grips of the previous day, a stoic, a badass in control of one’s destiny, a visionary with amber like clarity, amber-like life support, capsulated like DNA in a fossil, a prehistoric ripped back notion of the uncanny ability to preserve, flow forward and flow freely, forget the check of the grammar or sentence structure, the #freewrite has been let loose to dangle at any angle, well the day began and the written stays in written in the chain of all chains, blocked up, sorted, hashtagged and buried. Be the seed of the techy like growth in hopes to improve the natural, the amber rock looking at your actions, rocking out with the magnetic glow and the crystal flow. Opening one’s third eye to seize the day and see past the wicked, then I am already late to make a good impression, the gut is the truth, the instinct is the action, sieze thy day with a big flipping SMILE!
Well done. Two days in a row!! LOL
You can't see me, But I'm smiling
Sure can feel it