Day 153: 5 Minute Freewrite: Wednesday - Prompt: speakersteemCreated with Sketch.

in #freewrite6 years ago

Speaker the human talker, watching the words stumble over one another in front of one another on top of one another, slow it all down listen realize it's not all about the talking, the public speaking, the ranting and raving and the carrying on without the backpack of thought, digestion and defining what's radically real to you the thought provoker, the educational gem gleaming with the provisions provided from the past, from the stoic, from the profound moments of travel and eye awakening feels right down to the heels. Speaker is no speaker without no listener, a painter is a painter without no on looker, all of us we complete each other, allow the speaker person, speaker binary, speaker charm, spread the just on time message, half way through the sentence waiting for the period to drop, the clock tick tocks but we've got a speaker, a pen to paper, a paint to canvas, a fingertip to keyboard write, right ahead of us, working through the hard days, looking for a grain to plant for the next day, breaking the bread and cracking the eggs, old and free, happy and cheerful, who knows maybe this speaker could be worth something, some beans and rice, some opening doors, some water for the horse to drink, some third eye chi resonating the speaker awakening the listener.

Prompt Speakerinsta_1.jpg

Hit them in the feels, acrylic on wood, 2018


Thanks a bunch my favourite thing going online.

Very smooth and deep thoughts. Truly, there is no message without an audience and I really enjoyed the free flowing thoughts.

Thank you @wandrnrose7 many more to grow :-)

the speaker awakening the listener

that is what every speaker hopes for, right?

Tru that sista

Nice work. Great freewrite. Keep them coming. 👍👍

You captured how I sometimes feel! Thanks for the deep thoughts and the questioning of why people just talk to hear themselves! BTW, here is today's prompt about nothing. I already took it on and I invite you to do so too:

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