Day 146: 5 Minute Freewrite: Wednesday - Prompt: monkeysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #freewrite6 years ago

Stop the monkey business, the monkeying around, the binge watching of Netflix, the fast forward of the troubling mind, catch the breath and come back to centre. Tame the monkey mind, compartmentalize the challenge, decipher the pattern, pick a part the worthy battles and fight them until the end. Obsess much over the moment almost tend to neglect the past or the future, wrapped up in the action, the breath of oxygen, the dash for cash and fight for survival. Typing away cause allows for the free flow of the mind to just role before embarking on the day with the test, the rest, and the wizardry of this magician. Rolling up the sleeves, dusting off the shoulders let’s get to work and raise some capital. Cage the monkey and release the bird, spread the wings and take creative flight.


Prompt: Monkey


I love the energy of your piece! There's a great message here and it is true that we put away so much time that we could be expending here on Steemit and with other of our creative inventions! Excellent!

Truly. Stop it.

The monkey business... :) cheers to you my friend!

Cage the monkey and release the bird, spread the wings and take creative flight.

Yes!!! Let's!

Thank you for the reminder. This is a perfect freewrite: just go! Today, the #freewrite is a picture. So something different to write about. Here's the prompt:

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