Freewrite Day 139 - the Golden Artichoke

in #freewrite6 years ago

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She looked around and then walked around the stately ballroom. All of this place was magnificent.
It was royal in how it presented - gleaming white with gold trimmings.
Sitting on the main table, was a gold figurine. She looked at it and then called the manager over.
"What is this?"
"Actually - that is a Golden Artichoke. To symbolize the room here which has the same name."
She laughed. "The room is called "The Golden Artichoke"?"
He looked down his nose at her mirth.
"Madam - there is a lot of history and background to this. Many centuries past, Great crusaders sailed in a boat called the 'Golden Artichoke' to explore and conquer so that this country could become what it is today."
She felt a bit miffed and taken back by him. "Sorry - I was just thinking of the Artichokes in the garden."
"It is amazing to see what greatness can rise from the soil!"

He moved on - "So you believe that this function room is where you would like to have your wedding reception?"
She looked up to him "Absolutely! And you know what - I think that garden out the side would be a great place to hold the wedding! Out with the Artichokes..."


That sounds like a good bedtime story "The Golden Artichoke and The Garden of Love!" 😉

Ha - not just a kids book either: could also be a porno film lol It's whatever you want it to be!! 😄

Seems like a great place to have a wedding (and its reception)!

Heh - Thanks :-) When my hubby and I got married it was in a garden under a tree... Loved it!!

That sounds lovely! I would be a bit too scared about insects and stuff hahaha, but other than that it may be a magical place to get married.

I imagined him just standing over her, in all of his snobbery haha. I loved it!

Ditto - typical manager of a reception center lol. Thanks!

That was great! I love what you did with the prompt!! This was a hard one for me. But it seems you did just fine!

Naw - I found it hard too. Especially after writing about something yummy like 'syrup', how do you write about a vegetable? I'll see what you wrote now (yay!!)

Hahaha nice! Well you did wonderfully regardless! Bravo love!

Very. that's in response to it seems you did just fine. beautiful write-up! I'm getting ideas.

Great job with a tough prompt.. I can just picture the manager and his tone... I have a strong dislike for those types... I don't like to say hate, so, yes strong dislike will do fine :o)

Hehe - you and me both! Still, occasionally these snobs can actually inspire us...

Exactly, take something from the situation, and move on..

waoh. u're really miffed. I would take off if i were the manager.

Good! I read this over and over.

I can just SEE the manager, so offended that she laughed at something he found so significant!

Also, I'm here to deliver today's prompt as well Daily Prompt #140

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