Weekend Freewrite - 11/9/2019 - Part 1 - The First Sentence

in #freewrite5 years ago

This is my post for #freewrite weekend hosted by @mariannewest

First prompt

Standing on the chair, she and Tom had scratched away at the bone.......being sure not to leave any meat. It was well into the night now and they both let the day replay in their heads. How she told Tom they did not have any meat left and it would be nice if he could once again fill their freezer. Tom is a hunter for food and was excited to put meat on the table. He set his blind up and waited, the house cat always went with him and watched as she knew she would get some of it, too. They both sat there neither moving a muscle when two hogs appeared, Tom lifted his gun, took aim and shot. One hog fell on the spot the other one took off. Afraid he hit the other one, Tom looked for a blood trail and his heart sank when he found blood, he knew he had to find it and put it down. Tom is not one to say oh well I have one the other can go off and die. He called our Son and told him what happened and they had to find it. They took the dogs and followed the blood trail, she knew the cat would follow so she picked her up, with resistance from the cat, and carried her in the house. The dogs are a rottweiler and a dachshund, she had her doubts about them finding the hog. Tom had just about given up on finding it when the dachshund started pulling the Son across an open field and into the woods, he let out a bark like they never heard him do. Their son was being pulled into the thick woods, then it opened to a clearing and there it was too weak to stand and very pissed it snorted but could not stand to run. Tom could see it was not in good shape and finish the job. It was shot in the heart and slowly bleeding out. Now they had two dogs and this 150-pound hog to get back home.

Second prompt
I know there are lots of you who don’t like government interference.... they have to have their hand in everything you do. Is there anything you can do that is totally free? Even Tom hunting for the family's food has to buy a license to hunt, land that joins your property they own and there is no hunting on this land. Tom knew this when he went looking for the hog and knew he would be in big trouble if caught with a dead hog. But he also knew he would not sleep until he knew for sure the fate of the hog. They do not want the hogs on their land but they do not want you to hunt them, only government employees can do this. This is what the government does, they hire someone to kill the hogs but they can not keep them, the dead hogs have to be disposed of on one of their designated locations. Knowone knows why they do this and everyone thinks it is a waste of food that they could donate to shelters or let the hunters keep, but this is how the government is run. They do not know the meaning of 'want not waste not' or is it 'waste not want not'?

Prompt 3
The blue envelope on the floor....She picked it up wondering what it was, envelopes are white and the bad ones like when you are late making a payment are red but this one was blue. She opened it and was surprised to see she had won a sweepstake but to collect the money she had to send 25 hundred dollars to an account in India to pay the taxes. She thought to send 25 hundred for taxes on 2 million was a small price to pay for such a large amount and how this would change her family's life. Paying off her Mothers home will be the first thing she does. Then helping the kids pay for their homes and buying homes for the ones renting. Also the friends she could help. Life would be good, no more struggling to survive. She jumped in her old ratty car and headed for the bank, it is a small town and people look out for each other. She proudly told the teller what she won and she needed to send the money. You can guess what happened next, she was so upset that she almost fell for this scam and wondered how many people they get to follow through.


I know three people that fallen for a phone scams @myjob.... !!!!
One was a gentleman with Alzheimer's.
I so wish there was a way to stop these evil soulless heartless monsters...!!!!
I can't think of a punishment strong enough..!!!!!!!!!☹🤬😡

@annephilbrick I have never fallen for one but I have gotten more than my share of letters, one that comes every year when I have to file our annual report for our business, it looks official and if I did not have an accountant I would have fallen for it. I wish they could be stopped.

Great writeup for the weekend freewrite @myjob. There’s so many phone and computer scams going that one has to wonder why those crooks don’t get a life.

@redheadpei I agree, I saw on the news this morning about another scam and this old gentleman fell for it, I felt so bad for him.

I haven't fell for a phone scam but I've have been scammed. It sucks and is very draining.

Loved your story. It flowed nice.

@tristancarax thank you for reading and the nice compliment. I am sorry you have been a victim of being scammed.

It’s to sad how these unfortunate things happened to those who have the least. By hope they survive and by that very hope comes the suffering. I enjoyed reading your story!

@myrockandocean thank you for reading and yes it is sad that people try to scam others.

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