Weekend Freewrite -10/12/2019 - Single Prompt Option Clouds

in #freewrite5 years ago

This is my post for #freewrite Saturday prompt clouds by @mariannewest

The wind has been blowing for days now. It is like this every year, it's October. I remember the year we built our ocean boat and finished it at the end of September and we could not fish for a month because of the weather we missed the entire month of October. But the wind and clouds finally cleared this morning and we were ready to go. Still dark as can be when I left the house this morning. My husband left a half-hour before I did.

I had to get ice, I really do not like having to drive across town to get it but whatcha gonna do. So it was daylight by the time I got to the boat ramp. I backed my boat down the ramp, to get it off the trailer I just hit the brakes and it slides off. I have my bowline looped over the winch which stops it from floating away. WhenI did that this morning it did not move. I tried several times but still not budging. I get out of the truck and try pushing it off but still will not go. The water is so high that I can not back down far enough to get the trailer underwater. You never want to back your tires under the water with it being saltwater. I finally pulled out and backed down the middle of the ramp and still, it did not go, so I pulled up the ramp and backed down real fast stopping just as the bottom of my tires met the water, this time it went halfway and I could push it the rest of the way. Not a good start to the day.

I went to the Big Flat and did not see any pompano so knowing my husband went north and had not seen any, I went south. When I got to Paul's Island I saw one and went a little further and saw another so I anchored. The water looked like mud but I went ahead and threw poles out. I got 3 of the six out and had 4 catfish, I have two hooks on each pole. Before I could get the rest out my husband called and said he caught a double on Cat Island. I knew the water was clear to the north and I did not waste any time getting there.

I anchored southeast of my husband but as soon as my lead hit bottom I had a double on catfish, I threw the next rod out and again catfish. I moved north of him and was not there very long and caught 2 pompano. I ended up catching 9 that weighed 18 pounds but I was so tired and my back was hurting very bad that I forgot to take a picture when I weighed them up. We can not keep any Permit, I caught 35 of them, they fight as hard as pompano fight. I think that is why my back hurts. I made 54 dollars on the pompano and threw back 280.00 dollars worth of permit, which is getting the price we got before they closed them to us. The only reason they closed them is that the general public can not tell the difference in them.

I had a double on Permits


I also had my line break 4 times with either a pompano or permit I do not know which. So when I got home I took all the line off the poles that I lost fish on and put new line on them, I do not care for monofilament line for this reason so I put braid on the poles. The line was new last year but it has lost some of its color and got weak. It is supposed to be all green.



What a pity you had to throw 280 bucks int the water. 😭
And your lines, is it expensive if they break? Now you also have the extra costs driving to the other fish house. Thought about why it closed. Such a pity people did not collect money for a freezer.

Btw you can join with this one @freedomshift's contest too if you ad the invitation and mention" what today means to me" etc or did you already?

Have you heard about the new discord group?

Promotion Discord server

@voxmortis - Promotion Discord Server. Join the group via the link in the post - upvote a post in the list and leave your link.
Each week two paricipants make a chance to win an SBI share!
@pifc - weekly plus a bounty if you join. You can only recommend someone else.

Perhaps you like to join too.

I have a favour to ask you on.behalve of gertu. She is very low on SP. I gave her 100 and so did olivia08 and it would be great if more people could delegate some SP to her. No need to give 100 just what you can miss. She is very upset her 100% vote is zero now. Perhaps if we can help her for a while she will be noticed earlier. Her content is good and we will have benefit from it too.

I wish you a great Sunday. 💕

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@wakeupkitty when my line breaks I lose my lead, but we make our own, I lose 2 hooks and the beads, neither are expensive but it is time-consuming making the rigs and leads. I would be happy to help someone with the delegation but I do not know how to do it, is it easy to explain? I downloaded a discord thing but have no clue how to use it and every time I start my laptop and go to google the discord page comes up and it makes my computer slower than it is normally.

Ohhhh my, you have "no clue how to use" Discord? That makes me feel better! You are so extraordinarily competent in things most of are not - fishing and outdoor life - you'd outlast most of us in a post-apocalyptic dystopian future, the kind where techno-knowledge is useless, because there's no electricity any more, no power grid, no city life. But I digress. I did try Discord (after someone walked me through the opening stage), but it can pull you in and hold you in its vortex, preventing you from writing or working on anything else. I'd stay the course you're on, but my advice is worth every penny it costs ya.
Now, going off to get ice.... who does that anymore?? Only people filling up a cooler for bottles of beer at a party, right...>?

@carolkean I think with writing the freewrites and reading others and all other computer stuff I am good at not knowing how to do the discord. Yes I could do quite well without electric or anything techy but I have it so I will continue to use it. Fishermen get ice every day we fill our coolers but no beer. I use ice cube trays for my drinking ice, I am the only one I know who has them. Most ice come out the door of their fridges.

I love it -

How To Do the Discord

As for old-fashioned ice cubes, you're not the only one - our daughter is only 23, in the city, in an apartment built in 1917, and there is no ice maker in her fridge. Ice cube trays are still for sale in stores, if we look hard enough for them. Kinda hard to believe, but if you have hard water, the ice maker in your fridge will likely go bad anyway. Like car windows with a $800 part that keeps the automatic from rolling up or down, we realize that manual - BY HAND - our own exertion - prevails over electric, time and again.

@carolkean I like my power windows in my truck but I would not like them if they broke. My husband has a manual windows and the passenger side is hard to roll up and down. That is cool your daughter lives in such an old building, I love old buildings when I went to NYC the building, the old ones, are what I admired most.

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