Free write Wednesday prompt Frayed power cord

in #freewrite5 years ago

This is my post for #freewrite prompt Frayed Power Cord by @mariannewest

For the last two weeks, my fish finder as been quitting on me it would work then not work, it would say transducer is disconnected. I checked the plugs and it is plugged in. I rewired the power cord and transducer cord and put new wire nuts on them. Today it went out and kept telling me it was disconnected. My husband has the same fish finder so we hooked his up to my cables and got the same message. That told us it was not my machine, the problem had to be in the wiring. My husband picked up my coil of wires and started looking them over, he found a spot that was frayed, so he took his knife and peeled the plastic coating back, sure enough, one of the 3 wires was broke. I did not have a frayed power cord, I had a frayed transducer cord. He twisted the wires back together, put some liquid electric tape over it and wrapped it with electric tape. He wanted a wire nut to put on it but I had used all the small wire nuts when I rewired everything.

I hooked a jack and as I was reeling it in it started going crazy it would run one way then turn and run the other like it was zigzagging I was thinking what is wrong with you, then I saw the fin and knew why it was going crazy not only was he hooked but now a shark was after him. I got him right to the side of the boat and saw the fin again. I lifted the jack out of the water and only had its head, and it was still grunting. I never felt the shark. Their teeth are sharper than any razor blade. Jacks are a tough fish when I clean one I have to put a lot of pressure on the knife to cut the head off.


My husband said he was reeling in a trout and saw a bull shark after it, he said he went to reeling as fast as he could and told the shark " you're not getting my trout" when he got the trout to the boat, all he had was the head and an inch of meat. He said he never knew when the shark hit it.

I did not catch much today I had 19 trout that weighed 29 pounds



OMG! How crazy was that?!?! I bet you can't wait to tell this story to all of the other fishermen and women. That frayed transducer cord fell right into your lap for this prompt. : )

@whatisnew We fixed my transducer wire and an hour later I saw @mariannewest prompt, I was like is she watching me. lol The other fishermen have had the same experiences with the bull sharks. I had one cut a 12pound jack into and never felt a tug when it cut it. That is what amazes me.

At least it didn't got all the fishes!

A great freewrite. Wow! That was something to reel in just the head, @myjob. Sharks must be hungry and are following fisherwoman/ man around their fishing area. I was so fascinated with the fish head I forgot about the frayed wire.

@redheadpei we have a lot of bull sharks in our river but no one has ever been bitten in the river. When we grew clams my husband built a cage to stay in while he worked the clams. They are not small bull sharks either. He built the cage to use when there was a lot of fish/bait on our clam lease.

Good thing you didn't get that shark in your boat, he'd eat all your fish. 😁

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@wonderwop He would eat me if he came in the boat. I have had them hit at a fish just as I lifted it in the boat and they come out of the water and hit the side of my boat. It makes me jump and just about shit myself. lol

Every day with you looks like an adventure.

Posted using Partiko Android

@wakeupkitty No two days are the same, that is for sure.

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