Free Write Wednesday prompt Baby Talk

in #freewrite5 years ago

This is my post for #freewrite Wednesday prompt Baby Talk by @mariannewest

We went to what was supposed to be the last meeting on what the state was going to do with trout. They heard from several fishing guides, some made perfect sense while others goo-ed and coo-ed like baby talk. They are the ones who think they should be the only ones who can keep a trout, wait I got that wrong, they said they will not keep any, only their clients will keep them. Forget about us making our living or the people who buy them at the fish market. These fishing guides get 300 dollars for taking some rich person fishing for a half-day and they want them all, they want a full commercial ban on trout.

The state lawmakers said they will cut the commercial limit from 75 fish a day to 50, even though we only catch 2% of the trout caught for the entire state. They did not say if they were going to cut us back to 3 months from 5 so I am hoping they will not also they did not say they were going to increase our size limit from 15 to 19 inches. That one will put us out of business. They only thing I got out of the meeting is they decided they need to have more meetings.

I hurt my back and can no longer throw a 12 or even 10-foot castnet the only way I have to produce seafood is hook and line, my husband can still throw a cast net if he gets his hernia fixed and gets whatever is going on with his heart fixed. Right now the only way he has to make a living is hook and line. The fish that bite hook and line are snook but we can not sell them, redfish but we can not sell them, permits but we can not sell them. That leaves trout and pompano and I am sure if they get trout next they will go for pompano. The next meeting will be in North Florida sometime in December.


What a nightmare trying to make a living when these politicians can just put you out of business with the stroke of a pen.
..........also they did not say they were going to increase our size limit from 15 to 19 inches. That one will put us out of business....Why would increasing the size limit be a bad thing for you?

@deirdyweirdy we would not be allowed to keep any trout under 19 inches and they already have a law we can not keep any over 24 inches that would give us a 6 inch slot limit, most of the trout we catch are between 15 and 20 if everything had to be over 19 but less than 24 it will take away 3/4 of our catch. we measured them this summer to see how it would effect us.

@wonderwop thank you for your reply and thank you for the prompt.

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