Free Write Tuesday prompt Nap

in #freewrite5 years ago

This is my post for #freewrite Tuesday prompt Nap by @mariannewest

I know a lot about this prompt but it puzzles me as to why I know so much. I have started napping after I get home from fishing. I never use to nap, this has been going on since trout season started. I am not talking about cat-naps, I think I could sleep all night if my husband did not wake me and tell me I need to get up and eat supper, he lets me sleep until 8:30.

Yesterday he asked me if I thought there was something wrong with me, I told him I feel fine and do not mean to take a nap. I come home and do all the things that need to get done and sit in my chair and the lights go out. I know nothing until he wakes me. Then it takes me about five minutes to get my eyes to open, my eyelids are so heavy I can not get them to open.

One of our daughters is a nurse and I asked her what could cause me to have the need to nap and she asked if I was anemic. I do not know if I am but I guess that could cause me to nap. I told her the only thing different I am doing from when I was pompano fishing is trout fishing I row my boat a lot. She said that might do it combined with the sun. But I row every summer and I never took a nap before.

Today I fished lots of places and could not catch much, the wind was southwest and blew pretty hard all day. I do not like a southwest wind. I ended up catching only 14 trout that weighed 25 pounds. I also had a redfish that I gave away when I got to the fish house. On the bottom right is a jack in the middle is a bluefish. Sorry about the picture being blurry.


This redfish was too big, I had to throw it back


I caught 6 of these aggervating things


And the thunderstorm hit about 2:30 so I had to come in, I got my bait put away and had just enough time to pull my boat out when it hit. I drove to the fish house and had to wait out the storm in my truck.



What an ominous looking sky. I hope you are OK and it is just your age creeping up on you. : )

Resident cat here, yawning as I deliver today's new prompt:

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A nap... that's exactly what I need right now...

Nice picture of the darkened sky as the clouds roll in @myjob.

No wonder you need a nap ~ you do a lot of physical work with rowing and fishing besides what is done at home.

Perhaps you are not sleeping as long at night and wake up early. Then you would need a nap by late afternoon. If you need the sleep by all means do it as your body must require it. 💤 💕

I have periods too my light goes out as soon as I sit down. Still have a timer in my head and in most cases I wake up 2 hours later.
I do always go to bed. No napping in chairs. My body needs to stretch out.
I think it's normal to nap/sleep more if you get older or during certain periods of the year.


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@wakeupkitty Summer is always hard on me, I do not drink enough thru the day and lots of days I do not need to pee until I get home, then it is dribbles. I only weigh 90 pounds and get dehydrated very easy.

I find it hard to drink too. My kids have the same. I don't feel thirsty. Yesterday we all took a 2 liter bottle, of water but I know it is still not enough. If I drink more I hear the water in my belly and it feels unpleasant.

Only if I lay down for hours the run to the toilet may start.


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@wakeupkitty That is my problem it is hard to drink enough when you are working, but somehow I need to drink more, I am in the sun 9 to 10 hrs a day.

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