Free Write Tuesday prompt Mystery Books

in #freewrite5 years ago

This is my post for #freewrite Tuesday prompt Mystery Books by @mariannewest

I went to a small public school, One teacher would have two grades in her class. One of my favorite memories of this school is when I was in third grade, my teacher's name was Mrs. Ebson. She was an elderly woman with snow-white hair, cut short but was curly. She looked and dressed like someone's grandmother, which I am sure she was. Mrs. Ebson was a strict teacher if caught acting up in class, she had a wooden ruler which she would smack your hand with. Needless to say, her class was the best-behaved class in the school.

The thing I remember most about her and loved was her reading to us every day after lunch. She would read from the mystery books The Hardy Boys and later she went to the Nancy Drew books. She read with such emotion that you thought you were in the book living her words. That is the only way I can explain it. She would read a chapter a day and sometimes I can remember the class begging her not to stop and we would get another chapter out of her. We never got a third no matter how much we begged, it was back to teaching. I found it hard to study, wondering how the Hardy Boys would solve the mystery. I am sitting here smiling, thinking of those days.

I did not go to the beach today, after yesterdays fiasco and the fact that the swell is to get bigger each day this week. I will wait till the swell comes down before I go after more sandfleas. We cleaned up, cut all the dead frowns off, 12 arica palms for my husband to take out to the nursery. A friend of ours owns the nursery and sells them for us, we get 20 dollars each for them.


Before they are cleaned up


I read Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys but being set in the USA I didn’t relate to them as much as I did to Enid Blyton’s Famous Five and Secret 7 books.
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@ deirdyweirdy Thank you for the prompt, I have never heard of Enid Blyton’s Famous Five and Secret 7 books.

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