Free Write Tuesday prompt ear plugs

in #freewrite5 years ago

This is my post for #freewrite Tuesday prompt Ear Plugs by @mariannewest

When I am fishing I like the sounds of nature, a mullet jumped, a baby heron nested in the treetop is calling to get fed, a pelican dove, silver mullet flushed and a trout struck at baitfish. These sounds are calming to me. If I had earplugs in my ears I would miss all these sounds. I see boats on the river with radios blaring and think to myself about all they are missing and they do not even know it.

One of the best splatter pole fishermen there ever was decided he would give it another try, He has not fished for the last three years. To tell the truth, he is getting too old and the river is in too bad of shape for him to splatter pole. He came by me today on his way to set pigfish traps. I was pulling a trout when he went by. When he came back by me I was on a different island and I caught a trout just as he went by. I fished all the islands and went to the west shore, I only caught eight there but I saw one of Jun Rays traps and I pulled it to see if there was bait down there. He did not have a fish of any kind in it. It is not looking good for his trout fishing, I wish he could get another season but I think even if he gets bait his body will not hold up to fishing the pole and he refuses to use a rod and reel. I feel bad for him but the days of using a splatter pole are over.

While I was on one of the islands I saw a red cork floating and got to watching it and could see there was a fish on it, I decided when I was done there I was going to get the cork. Then I saw a porpoise go after the fish that was dragging the cork around. The cork disappeared and I thought the porpoise got the fish but then he slapped his tail on the water like they do when they are pissed and I saw the cork in by the shore the fish got away from him. I went in to shore and grabbed the cork and to my surprise, there was a 2-pound trout on it. Usually, when I find a fish on a cork it is a catfish.


I caught 30 trout that weighed 50 pounds and a 3 and 1/2 pound bluefish



I too love the sounds of nature, out on the water, and have often thought the same about boats with music blaring, missing out on the whole experience! Great catch too @myjob :)

Thank you to @wakeupkitty for featuring your post in her Pay it Forward Curation Contest entry :)

I am happy to hear you like her writing.
If we learn to enjoy the silence we would be more relaxed.

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Isn't that the truth!!

True, wearing ear plugs will take all the fun away!

Very interesting as always. And to think when I started reading your blog I knew zero about fishing!
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@deirdyweirdy thank you for the prompt. And for reading my free writes.

Loved reading it. Did the old fisherman catch something?
You had a great catch!

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@wakeupkitty He has not gone fishing, he is still trying to catch bait.

Silence is golden, @myjob. 😊

I thought this was a very clever way of using the prompt you were given. I enjoyed this tale very much.

I found you because @wakeupkitty featured you in the Pay it Forward Curation contest. Keep up the great work!

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