Free Write Thursday prompt Wildfires

in #freewrite5 years ago

This is my post for #freewrite Thursday prompt wildfires by @mariannewest

My heart really goes out to all the people affected by wildfires like the ones in California last year, so many people lost their homes and many lost their life. Not to mention all the animals that the fires overtook, it is heartbreaking.

A few years ago I was home, my husband went to Wal Mart. I heard a transformer blow. I went to go outside to see if I could tell where it was at, and my gut told me to take the cordless phone with me. I walked around the yard and could see nothing, my gut again told me to look down the road towards the preserve. I could hear a big truck leaving fast on the next road. I walked to the gate, then I could see smoke, in a matter of seconds I could see flames. It was spreading very fast, coming toward my house. I called 911 and told them about the fire, then I called my husband, he said he left the cart of groceries in the aisle and ran out of Wal Mart. We had a sprinkler system in the back yard so I turned it on.


The fire trucks showed up and kept the fire from reaching our home. They called in a machine that clears all the brush. They left one firetruck at our house and took the other two to the next street. It burned about 150 acres before they got it put out. Smoldered for several weeks, I never thought the smell would ever go away.


Florida Power and Light guys started the fire, they were clearing vines from the power poles and somehow hit a live wire on the transformer and it started the fire, then they hauled ass. That was the truck I heard leaving.

This is the fire from the next street


They had a helicopter dropping water on the fire



So many fires start that way!! It would be so much better if we all had solar panels on our homes, batteries in the house and we get rid of all these crazy overhead lines...

I am glad that your house didn't burn down!

@mariannewest I would love to have solar panels and sell my electric back to the power company

Those fireman are not sexy! Fireman supposed to be sexy!! hahaha

@blacklux that is because this is Fl, old retired guys.

I am glad our wildfire season has been far less fiery than last year. Only a few days of smoke.

@jacobtothe the wildfires that the west has are massive, I pray for the people and animals. I pray you never have another one.

That was a close call @myjob. Thank heavens you went outside and saw what was happening.

@redheadpei when you get that gut feeling of needing to do something, you better do it. If I would have ignored that feeling it could have been much worse.

Eeeeek! That was a close call, and must have been quite scary. You've had your brush with fire, and now I hope you are not having a brush with a hurricane. Do let us know how you are doing, please.

@scribblingramma It is looking better for us, the storm is to go offshore of us, not 100% sure but better than they were saying. The bad winds are only 30 miles from the center and they get less the further from the eye. So if it even goes 75 to 100 miles offshore we will only get cat 1 or 2 winds which are not all that bad.

Thanks for the update! That sounds like good news.

@scribblingramma your welcome, still looking good for us.

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