Free Write Thursday prompt Underground Stalagmites

in #freewrite5 years ago

This is my post for #freewrite prompt underground stalagmites by @mariannewest

Aren't all stalagmites underground? I don't know this fact. What I do know is one day I would like to go deep into a cave and see all the natural beauty like the underground stalagmites. In Missouri not far from where we lived was a place called Honeybranch Cave they had it set up to take people on tours through it, but it had closed down. We use to ride our horses to it and slip through the gate. I never went very far into it, I did not want to get lost and it was dark in there. I have heard someone bought it and is now open to the public. I do not know if it had underground stalagmites, I think it went back 5 miles or more.

I went to Black Point today and picked up all my 31 traps, I only had 50 bait out of them. I set little clumps of them all over the river, the very first one I picked up had one pigfish but it was too big. The rest of the traps were empty, not a fish of any kind, I have never seen that happen before. Before I took them to Black Point I was catching some bait between the islands so I put them back there. I took a walk on one of the islands while they set. I waited 45 minutes and ran the first five, I had four pigfish. I threw them back in the water and went home. I do not know what I am going to do for bait. I have one days bait in a holding pen, I have been saving my hooked baits and the good ones are very small.


I found a couple fossils on the island


This is the remnants of a horseshoe crab, I find it interesting that they have been here since the dinosaur days



King Neptune lost his staff


That crab was huge!

@blacklux Do you not have horseshoe crabs? This is a medium-size one

Many years ago I did go into an underground cave and saw stalagmites. It was totally awesome. I truly hope you get to experience such an awesome experience too. I wish I could remember exactly where it was.. somewhere in west Virginia.

@annephilbrick I have no doubt I will someday get to see them.

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